
yīn chéng
  • interval;musical interval;degree;pitch interval
音程 [yīn chéng]
  • [interval] 乐音之间的音高关系。用度来表示。如简谱从1到1是一度,从2到4是三度,从1到5是五度

音程[yīn chéng]
  1. 固定唱名中的音程和调性感觉的训练

    On the Sensational Training of Pitch Interval and Mode Property of the Fixed Do System

  2. 乐器键盘上两个临近键之间的音程。

    The musical interval between adjacent keys on a keyboard instrument .

  3. 史蒂夫和娜奥米用音乐代码行、节拍、音程说话,从根音开始,以新的调子结束曲子。

    Steve and Naomi spoke in musical code lines , beats , intervals , moving from the root to end a song in a new key .

  4. B是第二小节为典型的小调三音的循环进行,也同样采用了巧妙的作曲手法将这个简单的音程材料变化成了多种不同情绪的唱段。

    B is the second section is a typical cycle of the sound Minor III , also employs the ingenious composer practices will be this simple change interval materials with a multitude of different emotions part .

  5. 我们可以通过使用微音程(microtone)而不是只使用西方音乐中的半音(semitone)来保留这些信息。

    We could preserve this information by using microtones , rather than only the semitones used in Western music .

  6. 同时发声的两个音之间的音程为和声音程。

    A harmonic interval is the interval between two notes sounded simultaneously .

  7. 数字可用来表示低音上的任意音程。

    Numerals can be used to indicate any interval above the bass .

  8. 存在各种不同习惯表示增或减音程。

    Various conventions exist to indicate augmented or diminished intervals .

  9. 音程是乐理学科建设与乐理教学的重中之重的内容。

    The interval is the important content in music theory teaching program .

  10. 常见的有三度平行音程或六度平行音程。

    Parallel intervals of a third or sixth are frequent .

  11. 视唱练耳中六度七度音程训练方法

    The Training Ways of the Sixth and the Seventh Intervels in Solfeggio

  12. 八音度的音程和和音。

    The interval and the consonance of an octave .

  13. 不协和音程为二度和七度。

    Dissonant intervals are the second and the seventh .

  14. 在此作品中有无更多的和协音程或是不和协的?

    This is in consonance with their being polygamous .

  15. 以首调唱名法进行教学,有助于学生音程音感的建立。

    Teaching by method of tonic solfa , students built up interval aural ability .

  16. 有时候,这种蛮子音乐的狂暴音程和尖利的不协和音很能打动他。

    The harsh intervals and shrill discords of barbaric music stirred him at times .

  17. 一个乐音和距其四个乐音远的乐音之间的音程。

    The musical interval between one note and another four notes away from it .

  18. 其中最有特点的是大二度音程的广泛运用。

    The characteristic interval and the one most widely used is the grater second .

  19. 音程理论若干概念辨析

    Distinguishing several concepts of the interval theory

  20. 含有这样的五度音程的末端的两个音调的和声组合。

    The harmonic combination of the two tones constituting the extremities of such an interval .

  21. 五度,八度或一度音程平行传统上在四声部作品中禁用。

    Parallel intervals of a fifth , octave or unison are traditionally prohibited in four-part writing .

  22. 八度为八个音间的音程,每一个音都有着相同的音名。

    An octave is an interval of eight notes , each having the same letter name .

  23. 把高音放置在原低音下时需要将音程转位。

    Intervals may be inverted when the upper note is placed below the original lower note .

  24. 任何音程皆可转位。

    Any interval may be inverted .

  25. 一条短线;在五线谱的上下曾加的扩展音程的线。

    A short line ; a notation for extending the range above or below the staff .

  26. 在调性音乐中,不协和音程是不稳定的,听上去似乎他们应改变为协和音程。

    In tonal music dissonances are unstable and sound as if they should move to a consonance .

  27. 算术距离用数字表示,音程性质用其他词来描述。

    The arithmetic distance is expressed numerically , and the interval quality by an additional descriptive adjective .

  28. 其他音程为不协和音程。

    Other intervals are dissonances .

  29. 胡安娜低声哼着一支古老的歌曲。这支曲子只有三个音符,但音程却变化无穷。

    Juana sang an ancient song that had only three notes and yet endless variety of interval .

  30. 跳音是用一个音级以上的音程表示任何一个音的运动。

    Leaps or skips indicate the movement of any one voice by intervals of more than one step .