
yīn yù
  • range;register;compass;diapason;gamut;tonraum
音域 [yīn yù]
  • [range;compass;register] 最低音到最高音之间的范围

音域[yīn yù]
  1. 因此具有音域宽广、音色响亮明快、穿透力强等优点。

    The utility model has the advantages that the diapason is wide , the tone color is ringing , the power of penetrating is high , etc.

  2. 自手风琴自诞生至今的一百多年来,很多领略过手风琴艺术的人都被它宽广的音域、迷人的音色和丰富的表现力所吸引并久久不能忘怀。

    Since the appearance of accordion , a lot of people have been attracted by its wide diapason , rich tone color and great expressive force .

  3. 奥毕森的音域跨越三个八度。

    Orbison 's vocal range spanned three octaves .

  4. 他的歌声音域宽广。

    He has a wide range of singing voice .

  5. 她歌喉甜美,音域奇广。

    She has a marvellous voice with an extraordinary range .

  6. 女士B:很多人的声音拥有至少好几个八度的音域,有的人能发出让令人震耳欲聋的声音。

    WOMAN B : A lot of people have at least a couple of octaves range which is just stunning what some people can produce .

  7. 其中一位是著名的假声男高音约翰·霍利迪(JohnHoliday),他的音域比普通男声最高音歌手还高,而且经常高过钱熠。

    One of those men is the remarkable countertenor John Holiday , who has a range more soprano than alto and often soars above Ms. Qian .

  8. 新的Z系列可以在所有音域平稳的演奏,并可以演奏出演奏者对多音色的要求表现范围很大,只要你想的声音他都可以演奏出来。

    The Z plays evenly in all ranges , and gives the player a huge dynamic range for as much-or as little-sound as you want .

  9. 一侧和双侧声带麻痹对F0、真声音域及假声音域的影响是一致的,经统计学处理无显著性差异。

    However , the effects of unilateral and bilateral paralyses on F0 , and the chest and head voice ranges were similar .

  10. 想再说一下的是,L36B(比较贵的那支)在录女声的时候在很宽的音域里的声音都很平稳。

    Again the L36B ( the more expensive mic ) sounded very even on a female singer with a wide range .

  11. 歌喉柔美的具有轻柔歌音和适中音域的嗓音的。

    Having a singing voice of light volume and modest range .

  12. 有一种能量在音域很多。

    There is a LOT of energy in the vocal range .

  13. 作为一名歌手,她的音域非常宽广。

    As a singer , she has an extraordinary range .

  14. 她的嗓子好极了,有着非同寻常的音域。

    She had a marvellous voice with an extraordinary range .

  15. 音域比次中音低、比低音高。

    Lower in range than tenor and higher than bass .

  16. 他具有一副次男高音音域的嗓子。

    He had a voice in the low tenor range .

  17. 病态嗓音基频和音域的变化

    Change of F_O and vocal range of pathological voice

  18. 语调则不受语速、音域宽度和四声的影响。

    Underlying intonations however are not influenced by speed , pitch or tones .

  19. 汉语语流中的声调音域低音点

    Pitch low point of tone range in Chinese speech

  20. 指自然的男性声音的最高音域或者接近这一音域。

    Of or close in range to the highest natural adult male voice .

  21. 一般按四五度定弦,音域三个八度。

    Its range is generally five octaves and three-eighths .

  22. 160例55-74岁健康人嗓音频谱和音域的分析研究。

    Spectrum and voice range analysis of160 male and female cases aged from55to74 .

  23. 所以一般演讲者应该使用较低的音域。

    so in general speakers should use the lower registers of their voice .

  24. 他对自己的音域天赋没有想入非非。

    He has no illusions about his vocal talent .

  25. 这种影响包括音量调节和每个音域详细的调整。

    The effect includes volume adjustment and detailed adjustment of each tone range .

  26. 中音乐器声音在这个音域里的乐器。

    An instrument that sounds within this range .

  27. 女性拥有更加宽广的音域,紧张时调门往往会变高。

    Women have a larger vocal range and when nervous tend to get high-pitched .

  28. 她的音域跨度达三个半八度,宽得令人吃惊。

    She 's got an amazing vocal range of three and a half octaves .

  29. 以歌者有力的嗓音、广阔的音域以及夸张的面部表情而热评如潮。

    Her powerful voice , wide vocal range and dramatic facial expressions drew rave reviews .

  30. 卡拉斯的音域宽得惊人。

    Callas 's vocal range was astonishing .