
  • 网络Aesthetic Thought of Music;esthetics of music
  1. 苏珊·朗格音乐美学思想探析

    An Analytical Study of Susanne K. Langer 's Music Aesthetics Thought

  2. 先秦音乐美学思想札记

    Reading notes from the music aesthetic idea of the pre-qin days

  3. 试析高校艺术素质教育与儒家音乐美学思想

    On university art character education and Confucian music esthetic thoughts

  4. 19世纪是欧洲音乐美学思想发展的重要历史时期。

    19th century is a important historical period of Europe musical development .

  5. 这一时期音乐美学思想也极为活跃。

    During this period , musical aesthetic ideas were also very active .

  6. 柴科夫斯基音乐美学思想的前见探究

    The Research of " Prejudice " of Tchaikovsky 's Musical Esthetics Idea

  7. 唐代音乐美学思想的多元特征

    On Pluralistic Features of Music Aesthetic Thoughts of Tang Dynasty

  8. 在结语中,对其音乐美学思想做了几点思考。

    In the epilogue , the researcher give thoughts about his Music Aestheticism .

  9. 舒曼声乐作品反映出的情感论音乐美学思想研究&以声乐套曲《妇女爱情与生活》为例

    On Research of Music Aesthetics Idea From the Sensibility in R. Schumann Vocal Works

  10. 《文子》音乐美学思想研究

    The Study on the Aesthetics of Music in

  11. 评《琵琶行》中的音乐美学思想

    The Thought of Music Aesthetics in Pipa Xing

  12. 先秦时期道家的音乐美学思想

    The Musical Aesthetic Thoughts of Taoist School in the Period before the Qin Dynasty

  13. 试论嵇康音乐美学思想

    Analysis Thought of Ji Kang 's Musical Aesthetics

  14. 孔子音乐美学思想的要点

    Main Points of Confucius ' Aesthetics of Music

  15. 和声无象哀心有主&论嵇康的音乐美学思想

    Ji Kang 's Ideology of Music Aesthetics

  16. 浅议刘天华的音乐美学思想

    On Music Idea of Liu Tian Hua

  17. 孔子音乐美学思想辨析

    Analysis of Confucius aesthetic Ideas on Music

  18. 嵇康是儒还是道&评嵇康音乐美学思想的影响与贡献

    Ji Kang : Taoism or Confucianism & A critical review of his thoughts of music esthetics

  19. 中国的古代音乐美学思想对于近代的中国音乐产生了深远的影响。

    The thought of music Aesthetics in ancient China has influenced greatly on Chinese Modem music .

  20. 论黑格尔的音乐美学思想

    On the music aesthetics of Hegel

  21. 和是先秦两汉音乐美学思想的核心与主脉。

    Union and harmony is the core of musical aesthetic theory in the pre-Qin and Han Dynasty .

  22. 古曲是最能体现出我国古代儒家的音乐美学思想的艺术作品。

    Ancient Chinese music is most can reflect our ancient Confucian music aesthetics of works of art .

  23. 力求全面、公正、客观地评价山歌社群体的音乐美学思想。

    Strive to be comprehensive , fair and objective evaluation of " Shangeshe " groups the value of music aesthetics .

  24. 我国的音乐美学思想散见于我国古典的音乐史料和各种文艺作品中。

    The thought of music aesthetics can be found in all kinds of Chinese musical materials , literature and art works .

  25. 在《论语》中,孔子“美善合一”的主张奠定了儒家的音乐美学思想。

    In The Analects of Confucius , Confucius 's thought of combining beauty and kindness established the theory of Confucian musical aesthetics .

  26. 《易传》对《乐记》音乐美学思想的影响&兼谈《乐记》中两个相互游离的美学观

    Yi Zhuan 's influence on the musical aesthetic ideology in Yue Ji : Simultaneously on the two incompatible aesthetic outlooks in Yue Ji

  27. 孔子音乐美学思想的几个要点都植根于音乐艺术自身的特殊性和当时的音乐文化现象。

    The main points of Confucius ' aesthetics of music were rooted in the particularity of music and the musical phenomenon of his time .

  28. 二胡艺术是中国传统艺术之精髓,其作品处处渗透着中国传统音乐美学思想。

    The art of erhu is a traditional Chinese art of the essence , the works everywhere permeated with the Chinese traditional aesthetics of music .

  29. 一直以来,人们对于《声无哀乐论》中的音乐美学思想有各种不同的解读,存在很大争议。

    All along , the people for " Sound Without Sorrows " Musical Aesthetics in a variety of different interpretations , there is much controversy .

  30. 他的音乐美学思想启发了人们对非理性思维的重视,以及预见了大众艺术将要主宰大众生活的趋势。

    Nietzsche ' smusical aesthetics enlighten people on paying attention to their irrational thought , and he has foreseen the tendency of domination of popular art .