
yīn yuè shēnɡ xué
  • musical acoustics
  1. 探乐音之源起寓无形于有形读《音的历程现代音乐声学导论》有感

    Review On In Course Of Tone , Introduction Of Modern Musical Acoustics

  2. 音乐声学在扬琴艺术中的应用论扬琴演奏中的音色

    Application of Musical Acoustics in Playing of Dulcimer On the Timbre of Yangqin

  3. 音乐声学是音乐与物理两学科交叉的产物。

    Acoustics is an overlapping discipline of music and physics .

  4. 音乐声学测量在艺术嗓音研究中的应用初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Application of Musical Acoustics Measurement on Vocal Arts

  5. 我国近代音乐声学研究概览

    A Survey Of Chinese Modern Music Acoustics Research

  6. 现代音乐声学理论自引人我国后,直到二十世纪五十年代才有了较大发展。

    The theory of modern acoustics did not have a great progress until 1950s after introducing into China .

  7. 将音乐声学与环境声学相联系,提出了空间音乐声学的概念。

    It also put forward a new concept of music acoustics of space ; witch is the mixture of music and environmental acoustics .

  8. 第三部分,探究当时磬类乐器中体现出的音乐声学、力学、数学等科学理论,并阐明其对制磬技术的指导作用。

    The third section investigated scientific theory of Chime Stone , such as musical acoustics , Mechanics , mathematics and melody , which played the guiding role of manufacturing process .

  9. 本文通过解读韩宝强先生所著《音的历程&现代音乐声学导论》,全面介绍了该书的真知灼见及其价值。

    The papers review on In Course of Tone , Introduction of Modern Musical Acoustics by Han Baoqiang , and focused on its penetrating judgment as well as the value all-round .

  10. 音乐厅声学指标的客观标准及意义

    Acoustic Indexes of Concert Hall : Objective Standard and Significance

  11. 音乐厅声学设计中几个问题的探讨

    Discussion on some problems of acoustical design in concert hall

  12. 音乐厅声学原理及音质调整与维护

    The Acoustic Theory of Music Hall and the Adjustment

  13. 音乐厅声学分谐波与音质

    ACOUSTICS OF CONCERT HALLS Sub-harmonies and Sound Quality

  14. 浙江音乐厅声学设计

    The acoustic design of Zhejiang Concert Hall

  15. 河北艺术中心音乐厅的声学设计

    Acoustic Design of the Concert Hall of Hebei Arts Center

  16. 广东星海音乐厅的声学设计

    The Acoustic Design of Guangdong Xinghai Concert Hall

  17. 中国科学院声学研究所、中国艺术研究院音乐研究所声学实验室、南京大学声学研究所等研究机构的相继成立标志着中国的音乐声学研究进入了一个新阶段。

    The establishment of many institutes and labs of acoustics marked a new period in the research history of acoustics .

  18. 多声轨音乐录音棚的声学设计和测试

    The Acoustic Design and Measurements of Multi-Sound Track Recording Room

  19. 在这一门课程中,我们将会使用电脑以及周边科技做为作曲的工具,也就是说,做为音乐创作以及接触音乐与声学概念的途径。

    In this course we will use computers and computer-aided technology as compositional tools , that is , as a means to music-making and an avenue to approach musical and acoustic concepts .