
  • 网络Towers Perrin
  1. 韬睿咨询公司对中国员工的敬业度调查报告显示,中国员工的敬业度水平不容乐观。

    Survey report about Chinese employee professional of Towers Perrin shows that Chinese employee professional degree level is not optimistic .

  2. 根据韬睿惠悦咨询公司(TowersWatson)的一项研究,由于美国各公司今年在员工医疗保健方面的花费预计会达到人均12136美元,处以罚金也许很快会成为大势所趋。

    With corporate spending on health care expected to reach an average of $ 12 , 136 per employee this year , according to a study by the consulting firm Towers Watson , penalties may soon be the new norm .

  3. 韬睿惠悦咨询公司的调查显示,财富五百强企业董事薪酬预计今年将再增加10%。

    Director pay is expected to increase another 10 % at Fortune 500 firms this year , according to towers Watson .