
  1. 在韩国整容尤其泛滥,整形手术几乎每天都会发生。

    Things are particularly bad in South Korea , where plastic surgery is practically an everyday occurrence .

  2. 而大多数整容的女性客户回到中国后成为了韩国整容手术的活广告。

    And the mostly female clients return to China as ' live adverts ' for the South Korean surgeons .

  3. 他对照片评论道:韩国整容手术的危害将最后体现在拥有相同容貌的脸蛋上。

    He captioned the image : ' Koreas plastic surgery mayhem is finally converging on the same face . '

  4. 但。是你也别担心,。干爹在韩国整容界有很多老朋友!

    But you also do not worry , godfather plastic sector in South Korea there is a lot of old friends !

  5. 在多次手术后,她的脸部面积大大减少,但是依然很可怕和丑陋。这是对韩国整容手术的一个真正挑战。

    After several other sessions her face was left greatly reduced but still scarred and disfigured , a true challenge for korean plastic surgery .

  6. 虽然韩国整容手术的流行度也许会使很多人震惊,但其实整容业在那里已经发展得十分成熟了。

    While the popularity of cosmetic surgery in South Korea may come as a surprise to many , the industry there is in fact booming .

  7. 韩国整容手术的技术可谓世界一流,以至于一些来自中国或日本的整容者在结束手术后回国总会遇到一些麻烦。

    South Korean plastic surgeons are among the best in the world . In fact they 're so good that people from other countries like China and Japan are actually having trouble getting back home .

  8. 尽管韩国人可以说是全球最热衷于整容的,国际美容整形外科学会(InternationalSocietyofAestheticPlasticSurgeons)的数据显示,韩国人均整容手术数量在全球排第一,但整形医生说,嘴巴周围的区域相对来说尚未开发。

    Though South Koreans are some of the most avid users of plastic surgery in the world - the country has the world 's highest number of cosmetic surgery procedures per capita , according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons - the area around the mouth was relatively unexplored , the surgeons say .

  9. 在韩国,整容在现实生活中是很常见的。

    In real life , having cosmetic surgery is commonplace in South Korea .

  10. 这被称作韩国的整容脸。

    This is called the Korean plastic face look .

  11. 根据一月份发布的数据显示,韩国的整容手术比世界上其他任何国家都要多。

    South Koreans have more plastic surgery than any other nation according to figures released in January .

  12. 实际上,韩国的整容技术和中国的整容技术基本上事同步发展的。

    Actually , the face-lifting technology of the face-lifting technology of Korea and China basically thing synchronism develops .

  13. 现在,韩国的整容手术是一个大业务,吸引了成千上万中国女性。

    Plastic surgery is now such big business in South Korea that it is attracting thousands of clients daily from across the border in China .

  14. 在富裕的中国游客中,许多人把到韩国做整容手术、到日本做健康体检、到美国做基因检测加进了行程。

    Among wealthy Chinese tourists , many added plastic surgery in South Korea , health checks in Japan or gene tests in the United States to their itineraries .

  15. 2012年在韩国进行整容手术的海外游客由2009年的2851人次猛升至15898人次,平均年增长率达到77.3%。

    The number of foreign tourists who got plastic surgery in South Korea jumped from 2851 in 2009 to 15898 in 2012 , representing an average annual growth rate of 77.3 % .

  16. 鉴于韩国是世界整容之都,出现这种现象也就不足为奇。

    It 's not entirely surprising , given that South Korea is the plastic surgery capital of the world .

  17. 目前,中国是世界第三大整容市场,仅次于美国和巴西。而就整容的人数来看,韩国则是整容最流行的国家。

    China is now the third largest market for cosmetic surgery in the world , after the US and Brazil , although when population is taken into account cosmetic surgery may be most common in South Korea .

  18. 国际美容整形外科学会(InternationalSocietyofAestheticPlasticSurgery)最近的一份研究显示,韩国是全球人均整容手术率最高的国家。

    A recent study by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery estimated that South Korea had the highest rate of cosmetic surgery per capita of any country in the world .

  19. 韩国依靠的是整容传统。

    South Korea is building on a tradition of cosmetic surgery .

  20. 韩国啊韩国,整容手术发达的国家

    Korea and Korea , the developed country for face-modifying-operations

  21. 在韩国非常普遍的整容手术,现在已经成为很多中国游客一定要做的事情。

    Cosmetic surgery , pervasive in South Korea , is now the must-do activity for many Chinese visitors .

  22. 去年,2012年韩国小姐冠军金有美整容前照片的曝光引起了很大争议,很多人说整容手术对于这类选美比赛并不公平。

    The pageant sparked controversy last year when pictures emerged of winner Kim Yu-Mi before she had undergone plastic surgery , with many claiming that cosmetic procedures give contestants an unfair advantage .

  23. 整形手术如今成了韩国一大产业,每日吸引着大批中国顾客前往。大多回到中国的女性变成了韩国整容界的“活广告”。

    Plastic surgery isnow such big business in South Korea that it is attracting thousands of clientsdaily from across the border in China.And the mostlyfemale clients return to China as'live adverts'for the South Korean surgeons.Before and afterphotos , which feature women who have undergone sometimes numerous procedures ,