
  1. 2011年他在动作片《城市猎人》中扮演的角色更是让他获得了韩国戏剧节最佳男演员奖。

    His role in the2011 action drama " City Hunter " earned him the Best Actor Award at the Korea Drama Festival Awards .

  2. 演员李秉宪:韩国戏剧还会探讨家庭琐事——他们的爱恨——他们可以感受到这些原始的情绪。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : The Korean drama ( s ) ( are ) still talking about the family things-their love , their hate-they can feel the old emotions .

  3. 最近,韩国戏剧甜蜜的18岁在朝鲜火了起来,唱背景音乐的韩国歌手张娜拉吸引了大量注意力。

    More recently when the South Korean drama Sweet 18 became popular in the North , South Korean singer Jang Nara , who sang on the soundtrack , attracted a lot of attention in the DPRK .

  4. 演员李秉宪:我想韩国的戏剧倾向表现真实生活,即使只是小事、细微的情绪、些微的转折。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : I think Korean drama ( s ) tend to show the real life , even though it 's just the small things , small emotions , small twist .

  5. 头勒红色头带的当地政治领袖割破手指,以鲜血写下了同样的誓言——在韩国,这种戏剧化的抗议形式有很长的历史。

    Local political leaders , wearing red headbands , wrote the same vow in blood after cutting their fingers , a dramatic form of protest that has a long history in South Korea .