
  • 网络TOP COAT;Topcoat
  1. 两种硅烷聚合物制造的常温固化防腐耐候水性工业面涂

    An Anticorrosive and Weatherproof Top Coat upon Normal Temperature Solidification with Two Silane Polymers

  2. 他把餐厅改造成了名为RedVelvetLounge的休闲小酒馆。酒馆面涂成深红色,里面放置着淳的木桌。

    He transformed it into the Red Velvet Lounge , a casual bistro with deep-red walls and rustic wooden tables .

  3. 中试过程中,采用刮刀涂布方式进行了CF纸和热敏预涂试验,采用帘式涂布进行了CB纸和热敏面涂的涂布试。

    During the trial ," blade coating " was used for the thermal-precoat CF coating ;" curtain coating " was used for the thermal-coat CB coating .

  4. 为了调节和控制涂料流变性,CMC加入量应限制在0.5~1.0份/100份颜料为宜,且面涂比底涂用量稍低。

    In order to control the rheology of coatings , the CMC should be limited to 0.5 ~ 1.0 part / 100 parts coloring pigment , and is used less in the second coating than in the first coating .

  5. 取代表面涂(镀)覆而改进的有机可焊性保护剂

    Improved Organic Solderability Preservatives ( OSPs ) for Surface Finishes

  6. 介绍了整流盘接触面涂银方式的研究和应用。

    This paper will show you some research and application of silver technology for contact surface of rectifier wheel .

  7. 介绍了连接接触面涂醇酸铁红或聚氨酯富锌漆的高强度螺栓连接抗滑移系数试验研究。

    Test researches on slip coefficient of high-strength bolted joints with certain rust inhibiting coatings on contact surfaces are reported .

  8. 介绍了水性木器涂料的国家标准、腻子的作用、底涂和面涂,并讨论了其施工工艺。

    It introduces the national standards about the water-borne wood coatings , the function of putties , primers and top coatings and the application technology .

  9. 故障分析表明:经长期使用的叶片在修理厂大修时,为满足叶片摆动量要求在榫头底面涂尼龙胶,会使叶片自振频率有较大幅度下降;

    Analysis based on the failure characteristics indicates that the nylon gum on bottom of dovetail and the long term operation can significantly reduce the natural frequency of blade .

  10. 综述了水性环氧防腐蚀涂料,包括各类底涂、中涂、面涂防腐漆的国内外发展状况,介绍了它的实际应用情况。

    Waterborne epoxy anti-corrosion coat in China and abroad , including some kinds of based coat , intermediate coat and over coat , was reviewed and its present applications were also introduced .

  11. 高速公路护栏钢管采用底涂环氧阴极电泳漆、面涂超耐候聚酯粉双涂层保护体系,明显提高复合涂层的耐蚀性、耐候性和机械性能。

    The double-layer protective system consisting of epoxy cathodic electrophoretic coatings as bottom layer and polyester powder spray coatings as upper layer can obviously improve the corrosion resistance , weather resistance and mechanical properties of guardrail for expressways .

  12. 防卷曲涂层:菲林基片的底面通常涂上一层明胶,以防止菲林卷曲。亦儿底面涂层。多层螺旋CT曲面重组技术对壶腹癌的诊断价值

    Anti-curl coating : Gelatine is usually used to coat the back surface of the film base to prevent curling of the film . Also called Undercoating . Multi-slice Spiral CT with Curved Planar Reformations in the Evaluation of Ampullary Carcinoma

  13. 牙科医生也能在我们的咬合面上涂上一层塑料,封住我们的裂缝,防止细菌侵入。

    The dentist can also paint our biting surfaces with a plastic that seals our fissures against bacteria .

  14. 动静环的密封面之间涂以润滑脂,防止动静环密封面在水泵开车前磨损。

    Movement between the ring sealing surface coated with grease to prevent the movement ring sealing surface wear in the pump drive .

  15. 该产品每层外测涂有无残留物的粘胶剂,吸附环境中的粉尘;底面又涂有高粘度的粘胶剂,黏附于各种表面。

    This product is coated with a tacky residue-free adhesive on the surface of each layer to attract dirt seeds and a high tack adhesive on the bottom layer for maximum adhesion to the substrate .

  16. 给(某物)加保护层或面,或涂上密封胶等

    Coat or surface ( sth ) with a protective substance , sealant , etc

  17. 要粘接的两个面都必须涂上这种黏合剂。

    This adhesive must be applied to both surfaces which are to be bonded together .

  18. 如果每次翻面时不涂上我特制的酱,这肉的味道就不会很香。

    The meat won 't taste very good if I don 't baste it with my special sauce each time I flip it .

  19. 结论:自酸蚀粘接系统和牙面酸蚀后涂氟粘接系统对托槽的粘接效果与京津釉质粘接剂无显著性差异。

    Consulsion : Both self-etching system and post - etching fluoridation may be available in orthodontic bracket bonding .

  20. 目的:研究含氟自酸蚀黏结系统和牙面酸蚀后涂氟保护剂这两种局部用氟方法对固定正畸釉质脱矿的预防作用。

    AIM : To investigate the effect of two methods of topical fluoridation ( self-etching orthodontic bonding system and fluoridation after acid etching ) on enamel decalcification in orthodontic treatment .

  21. 本文通过对硅溶胶涂料面层涂覆工艺的分析,结合高质量铸件的生产要求,提出采用面层涂料真空涂制工艺进行特种铸件的生产。

    In the light of high quality casting production requirement , this article analyses the process of coating primary layer with silicasol , and put forward the method to coat the primary layer in vacuum .