- Non coking coal;mill coal

Study on Increasing the Usage of Non-coking Coal in Coke-Making by Adding Coal Modifying Additive into Coal Blend EMITTING RELATIVITY OF POLYCYLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS AND NO_x IN COKING
COREX ironmaking means that conventional ironmaking system with blast furnace , coke oven and sintering circuit is replaced by melting reduction ironmaking with non-coking coal and oxygen .
At present , the COREX process is the only technology existing on an industrial scale which directly produces hot metal from ore and non-coking coal as reductant ;
The COREX process for hot metal has been known as an advanced technology due to the use of non-coke coal which can shorten the production route , greatly lighten pollution of iron making process , and offgas can be used for production of HBI .
The technology of formed cokes is an effective way for making rational use of noncaking coal resources or extending coking coal resources .
Based on rich resources of high volatile non-coking coal in China , this paper proposed the idea about that which non-coking coal is used to manufacture city gas in vertical retort of gas plant .
The author proposed that high volatile non-coking coal is used in vertical retort and to meet index of two processes , such as : heat steady property of cake coal and falling strength after carbonization of it .