
  • 网络African Union Commission;AU Commission
  1. 非洲联盟委员会主席.说,各国领袖将在非洲联盟和平安全理事会的特殊会议上讨论这个议题,他告诉记者说,他有信心非洲联盟能找到一个可靠的解决方案。

    African Union Commission Chairman Jean Ping said heads of state would take up the issue at a special meeting of the AU Peace and Security Council during the summit . He told reporters he is convinced the continental body can find a credible solution .

  2. 非洲铁路联盟材料委员会

    Material Committee of Union of African Railways

  3. 非洲联盟和平和安全委员会的RamtaneLamamra正在纽约和联合国秘书长以及安理会大使进行讨论,探讨防止索马里过渡政府在埃塞俄比亚撤军后崩溃的方法。

    AU Peace and Security Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra is in New York for talks with U.N. secretary-general and Security Council ambassadors about ways of preventing a collapse of Somalia 's transitional government after Ethiopia leaves .

  4. 非洲联盟和平和安全委员会在之后的一周也将召开类似的会议。

    The African Union Peace and Security Council will hold a similar session the following week .

  5. 布基纳法索驻非盟大使齐多安巴目前担任非洲联盟和平与安全委员会轮值主席。他说,几内亚比绍事件似乎还不符合军事政变的定义。

    Burkina Faso 's AU ambassador Bruno Nongoma Zidouemba , who holds the council 's rotating chairmanship , said Guinea-Bissau 's case does not appear to meet the definition of a coup .

  6. 非洲联盟险些中止几内亚比绍非盟成员国的资格。非洲联盟和平与安全委员会星期二举行紧急会议,决定几内亚比绍总统维埃拉遭暗杀是否构成军事政变。

    The AU Peace and Security Council met in emergency session Tuesday to determine whether the assassination of President Vieira constituted a military coup , which would have meant automatic suspension from the organization .