
fēi zhōu zhī xīng
  • Star of Africa;Cullian
非洲之星[fēi zhōu zhī xīng]
  1. 而这颗非洲之星就是中心装饰品。

    And the star of Africa is to be the centerpiece .

  2. 罪名是盗窃世界著名的钻石,非洲之星。

    Of one of the world 's best known diamonds , the first star of africa .

  3. 它被分割成9块大钻石,其中包括530克拉的“非洲之星”,现在是皇冠珠宝中的一部分。

    It was cut into nine major stones , including the 530-carat Star of Africa , now a part of the Crown Jewels .

  4. 最终它被切成了九颗钻石,其中最大的是530克拉的卡利南一号,即“大非洲之星”。

    It was ultimately cut into nine discrete stones , of which the largest was the 530-carat Cullinan I , or Great Star of Africa .

  5. 拥有了“钻石级”观众的美国队并未能如愿以偿进军8强,最终还是以1—2的比分败给了非洲之星加纳队。

    Team USA had an A-list audience for their second round world cup game , which they lost 2-1 to Ghana . Their supports were headed up by none other than the former US President Bill Clinton and The Rolling Stones front-man Mick Jagger .

  6. 如果富国放弃在2010年以前将援助增加一倍的承诺,我们就无法帮助非洲未来的希望之星,也就是非洲人民。

    If the rich countries abandon their commitments to double aid to Africa by2010 , we will have failed to serve the best hope for Africa 's future : its people .