
  • 网络Magnificent Team
  1. “非常正确,警察,”布拉斯表示同意,仍然是同样悲伤的声调。

    Quite true , constable , assented brass in the same mournful tone .

  2. 因此,检察官阁下对这件事非常关心,警察总监也极感兴趣。

    Consequently , the procureur is very active in the affair , and the prefect of police very much interested ;

  3. 苹果公司称iOS8非常安全,连警察都无法获取你的个人信息

    Apple 's iOS 8 is so secure , even the policecan 't get hold of your personal details : Tim Cook outlines firm 's latestprivacy plans

  4. 只有在非常情况下,警察才会携带小型武器维持公共秩序。

    Only on unusual occasions do the police carry small arms to maintain public order .

  5. 我非常肯定除了纽约警察还有其他人在找他们。

    I 'm fairly certain that the NYPD isn 't the only agency trying to find them .

  6. 尽管老板对警察感到非常愤怒,但是警察们也已没有办法抓住那些小偷了,小偷们已经带着价值数千镑的首饰逃之夭夭了。

    Though the owner got very angry toward these policemen , there was nothing they can do because those thieves had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds .

  7. 金门大桥于1937年通车,庆祝活动持续了整整一个星期。一些公民变得非常兴奋,因此警察平息了一个小小的骚乱。

    Golden Gate Bridge opened in 1937 and the festivities lasted a whole week , with some citizens becoming so over-excited that police had to quell a small riot that broke out .