
  • 网络Unequilibrium analysis;Disequilibrium Analysis
  1. 我国能源消费的非均衡分析

    The Unequilibrium Analysis of Energy Consumption in China

  2. 中国货币市场非均衡分析

    The Disequilibrium Analysis of Money Market in China

  3. 对中国货币需求与货币供给的非均衡分析

    Analysis of China 's Money Demand and Money Supply in Disequilibrium Theory

  4. 我国林业发展中的非均衡分析

    Analysis to the unbalanced development in the forestry

  5. 农业地租的动态非均衡分析

    Dynamic Non-equilibrium Analysis of Agricultural Rent

  6. 并以核心竞争力为序参数建立了港口经济系统的状态方程。此外,通过对港口经济系统供需的非均衡分析,建立了港口经济系统的动态非均衡模型。

    Moreover , the dissertation establishes the status equation of the port economic system with the order parameter being the core competitive , and establishes the dynamic non-equilibrium model of the system through analyzing the supply and the demand of the system .

  7. 面对经济与金融系统复杂性的理论挑战应运而生的行为金融学和演化经济学,在研究方法上实现了由静态均衡分析到动态非均衡分析的革命性变革,为克服这场理论危机带来了希望。

    Action finance and evolvement economics were born in the theoretical challenge of complexity of economic and financial system . In the study method , it realized the revolutionary transform from static state equilibrium analysis to dynamic non - equilibrium analysis , and accordingly brought hope for this crisis .

  8. 我国经济改革面临的内部非均衡环境分析

    Analysis on the unbalanced environment facing the economic reform of China

  9. 多缸内燃机动力学的非均衡参数分析原理

    Principle of Unequal Parameter Analysis for Dynamics of Multi-cylinder Engine

  10. 高等教育与区域经济发展的非均衡性分析

    The Non-Harmonious Analysis between Higher Education and Regional Economic Development

  11. 六安市域经济的非均衡发展分析

    Analysis of Unbalanced Development of Regional Economy in Luan City

  12. 中国国防预算制度非均衡态分析

    Analyses to China 's Inequilibrium State of Defense Budget System

  13. 江苏省房地产市场非均衡现状分析。

    Analysis status of disequilibrium in the real estate market of Jiangsu Province .

  14. 我国高等教育市场供求的非均衡性分析与策略选择

    Non-equilibrium Analysis and Strategy Choice of Supply and Demand of China Higher Education Market

  15. 我国农村人力资本投资收益非均衡性分析&兼与城市的比较

    Analysis of the Unbalance of Investment and Income in Rural Human Capital & Comparing with City

  16. 二元性问题的讨论:我们忽略了什么&一个基于资源占有非均衡的分析

    Discussion on Dualism Extension : What have we neglected & an Analysis Based on Disproportionate Resource Allocation

  17. 作者提出多缸内燃机动力学的非均衡参数分析原理,阐明其内容、作用和研究方法。

    A principle of unequal parameter analysis for dynamics of multi-cylinder engine , with its effect and research method , is presented .

  18. 他的主要学术贡献包括:根据两类非均衡的分析,将企业改革主线论作为中国经济改革的基本思路;

    His main academic contributions are : first , according to analysis on two types of disequilibrium , seeing the reform of enterprise as the main melody on the reform of China ′ s economic system ;

  19. 以瘦肉精个案为例,运用非均衡理论分析我国瘦肉精规制制度供给的现状与存在的问题。

    Taking " Clenbuterol " as a case , by using the theory of non-equilibrium to analysis " lean meat powder " in China present situation and the problems existing in the supply of regulation system . Result : 1 .

  20. 我国夏季奥运项目非均衡发展成因分析

    Analysis on the Imbalanced Development Summer Olympic Events in China

  21. 中国产业非均衡增长实证分析

    The Unbalanced Economic Growth of China 's Industries

  22. 中国对外贸易的非均衡经济计量分析

    Disequilibrium Econometric Analysis of Foreign Trade in China

  23. 本文就是从失衡的原因方面也就是非均衡方面来分析中国的劳动力市场。

    This paper analyze the labor market unbalance which in fact is labor market disequilibrium .

  24. 流动性过剩:基于贷款供求非均衡模型的分析

    Excess Liquidity of Banks : Based on Disequilibrium Model of Demand and Supply of Credit

  25. 对我国竞技体育发展中非均衡现象的分析

    Imbalanced development of athletic sports in China

  26. 非均衡的动态分析

    A dynamic analysis to disequilibrium

  27. 本文简要阐述国内外主要的非均衡理论,分析云南省实行非均衡战略的实践效果,认为昆明核心区增长极的经济发展对全省经济发展有一定的带动和扩散作用。

    This paper describes the main unbalanced theories aboard and analyzes the effectiveness of applying in Yunnan province .

  28. 论我国大型体育赛事市场化运作的制度变迁&基于非均衡状态的分析与预期

    Chinese Institutional Changes of Market Operation of Major Sports Events & Analysis and Predictions Based on a Disequilibrium State

  29. 在经济理论和方法的研究上同样分为两种,即一般均衡理论及其分析方法和非均衡理论及其分析方法。

    Similarly , there are two kinds of economic theories and research methods : equilibrium theory and analysis method and disequilibrium theory and analysis method .

  30. 通过对江苏房地产市场非均衡现状的分析,使本文能抓住主要矛盾进行分析,使行文更具目的性和可研性。

    On analysis the status of disequilibrium in the real estate market of Jiangsu Province , we can grasp the principal contradiction and make our study purposeful and feasible . 3 .