
fēi cān shù tǒng jì
  • nonparametric statistics
非参数统计[fēi cān shù tǒng jì]
  1. 应用非参数统计理论辨识一类非线性系统

    Identification of a class of nonlinear systems using nonparametric statistics

  2. 非参数统计理论在洪水频率分析中的应用研究

    Application and Research on Nonparametric Statistics Theory in Flood Frequency

  3. 方法运用非参数统计和Logistic回归分析方法进行统计分析。

    Methods Statistic analysis of non - Parametric test and logistic .

  4. 基于LS-SVM的恒定应力ALT非参数统计方法

    Nonparametric Approach of Constant Stress Accelerated Life Testing Based on LS-SVM

  5. 结果统计方法的误用可得出错误的研究结论。结论SCL-90调查研究应采用非参数统计方法。

    Conclusion Non-parametric statistic methods should be taken on the study of Symptom Checklist-90 .

  6. VAR是一种测定和控制金融风险的量化模型,本文讨论非参数统计方法在其中的应用。

    VAR ( value-at-risk ) is a quantitative model designed for the measurement and control of financial risk . This paper discusses the application of non-parametric statistics in this model .

  7. 经验似然是Owen(1988)提出的一种非参数统计推断方法,这一方法与经典的或现代的统计方法比较有很多突出的优点。

    The empirical likelihood method of Owen ( 1988 ) is a nonparametric method of inference . The method gains an advantage over the classical or the modern .

  8. [方法]采用NHP量表则(Nottinghamhealthprofile,NHP)对537例恶性肿瘤患者的生命质量进行评价研究,应用非参数统计方法进行统计分析。

    [ Methods ] 537 patients with malignant tumor were interviewed . Their quality of life was evaluated with Nottingham Health Profile ( NHP ) and nonparametric statistical methods were used .

  9. 经验似然是Owen(1988)在完全样本下提出的一种非参数统计推断方法,它有类似Bootstrap的抽样特性。

    Empirical likelihood is a kind of non-parameter inferring method which was introduced by Owen ( 1988 ) ~ [ 1 ] in full-sample and it has the similar feature to Bootstrap .

  10. 本文主要运用现代非参数统计方法对传统VaR模型进行改进,使其能更有效的测量市场风险。(1)对非参数核密度估计和局部线性估计理论进行了系统的归纳、整理、总结。

    This article mainly makes the improvement to the traditional VaR model by using the modern method of non-parameter statistical . ( 1 ) The Non-parametric kernel density estimate and the partial linear estimate theory are summarized systematically .

  11. 因此,我们采用非参数统计方法来处理,常用的非参数检验方法有Mann-Whitney检验和Wilcoxon秩和检验。

    Therefore , we use nonparametric statistical methods to deal with this situation . Commonly we can use Mann-Whitney test and Wilcoxon rank sum test .

  12. 非参数统计模型选择在SDVC数据压缩中的应用

    Application of nonparametric statistical model selection to sdvc data compression

  13. 雷达窄带测量可以提供目标RCS时间序列信息,通过分析RCS时间序列,应用非参数统计理论中的游程检验算法可以实现目标的姿态进行判断。

    The targets ' time serial is provided by radar 's narrow-band signal . From analyzing the characteristic of RCS time serial , we can judge the targets ' gesture by adopting run-test algorithm which is from nonparametric statistic theory .

  14. 文章分析了1990年-2004年我国棉花生产区域布局变化,测度了棉花主产省区的综合比较优势指数(AAI),用非参数统计方法检验了单位面积棉花种植效益变动与播种面积变动的关系。

    Based on change of cotton-growing regions during 1990-2004 in China , this study calculates Aggregated Advantage Indices ( AAI ) of major provinces and regions , tests relationship between variation of cotton benefit per hectare and planting area using non-parameter sign test .

  15. 图象区域边界的参数和非参数统计检测法

    Parametric and Nonparametric Statistic Methods for Region Boundary Detection in Image

  16. 单因素方差分析的一种非参数统计模型方法

    A method of nonparametric statistics model of one-way analysis of variance

  17. 非参数统计方法在水文水资源中的应用与展望

    Non-Parametric Statistic Approach : Application and Prospect in Hydrology and Water Resource

  18. 非参数统计中相关系数的计算及其应用

    On Calculating and Applying of Correlation Coefficient in Non-parameter Statistics

  19. 基于非参数统计分类模型的交通标志识别方法研究

    Road Sign Recognition Based on A Nonparametric Statistical Classification Model

  20. 基于自适应非参数统计模型的彩色目标跟踪算法研究

    Visual tracking algorithm for colour objects based on adaptive nonparametric statistical model

  21. 基于非参数统计的汽车乘员约束系统参数灵敏度分析

    Parameter Sensitivity Analysis for Vehicle Occupant Restraint System Based on Non-parameter Statistics

  22. 非参数统计在小麦区域试验中的应用

    Application of Nonparametric Statistics in Regional Trial of Wheat Cultivars

  23. 农业保险费率厘定的小波&非参数统计方法及其实证分析

    Wavelet-Nonparametric Estimation Method in the Premium Rating of Agricultural Insurance

  24. 一种基于非参数统计的微波集成电路成品率优化算法

    A Method of Yield Optimization Based on Non-parametric Statistics

  25. 非参数统计法在绿豆区试中的应用及其分析

    Application and analysis of the nonparametric measures for regional trial of mungbean varieties

  26. 非参数统计与人工智能技术在水土空间变异中的应用研究

    Application of Non-Parametric Statistics and Artificial Intelligence Technology in Spatial Variability of Water-Soil

  27. 非参数统计方法对收入分布的解释

    To Explain the Distribution of Income by Nonparametric Method

  28. 非参数统计中两样本比较方法研究

    Study on two samples location parameter of non-parameter statistics

  29. 课堂外互动式教学对提高数学教学质量的非参数统计分析

    Nonparameter Statistical Analysis of Improving Quality of Mathematical Teaching Using Extracurricular Interactive Teaching Method

  30. 专家问卷调查的非参数统计分析

    Nonparametric Analysis of Expert Consult Survey