
  1. 在恐怖犯罪过程中,我们也见证了国会警察的非凡英雄气概。

    In that terrible crime , we also witnessed the incredible heroism of Capitol Police .

  2. 当然是那些历史上的伟大人物,那些非凡英雄,名人圣士。

    Of course , those great figures in history , those great heroes , and celebrities along with St.

  3. 信靠基督能从普通人中产生非凡的英雄人物。

    Faith in Christ can make extraordinary heroes out of ordinary people .

  4. 对许多人来说,电影明星都是卓越非凡的英雄。

    For many people , any film star is a larger-than-life hero .

  5. 丹•斯托克韦尔校长,再次因其非凡的英雄壮举,冒生命危险以拯救他人,第二次获得卡内基奖章。

    Dan Stockwell received a second Carnegie Medal for extraordinary heroism while risking his life to save others .