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Journalists possess a variety of privileges and defenses against libel claims , even those of non-public figures .
Dates were arranged with Tatum O'Neal and Brooke Shields to prove he was all man , rather than the shrinking virgin of his other public self .
First , a person could claim an estate-tax discount on the value of each share in the LLC , because it 's a minority stake in a private company .
But his success in pursuing a reform agenda came in the face of intense resistance from within his own party and was more a consequence of his personal popularity than a result of any public enthusiasm for a more liberal economy .
NBArank is intended to inform , not confirm , the public consensus . It 's not about popularity or parroting conventional wisdom . It 's about each player 's contributions to winning , whether he has great teammates or not .
Associatoin with the Orthodox Union , which is a non-profit communal organization .
The United States is better at entrepreneurship than at joint action that requires public leadership to forge consensus , she concludes .
That the public behavior of non-organized , semi-organized social behavior and organization of public behavior .
Video footage from the rehearsals had been intended to help organizers critique the show and was never intended for public viewing .
Ma Jun from the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs , a non-governmental organization , admitted their concerns that legal costs would be quite high .
Ma Jun , director of the non-governmental Institute of public and environmental affairs , says SEPA has started going public with environmental violations by larger companies but smaller enterprises seem to bear the main weight of administrative attention .
Thus , the paper developed the innovation subjects and proposed new triple-helix model of " media-NGO-public ", according to the characteristics of popular science industry and the important influence on science communication come from the media , non-governmental organizations and public .
Public notices are important means and channels for governmental institutions as well as non-governmental institutions to speak to the public .
Reform of Governmental Institutions : Deeply Discussion Public notices are important means and channels for governmental institutions as well as non - governmental institutions to speak to the public .
The paper explains that construction spending , especially on big infrastructure projects , is particularly susceptible to corruption because the quality of large , nonstandard projects are difficult for the public to gauge , while the industry is dominated by a few monopolistic firms .
Strengthen from developed country circulation economy legislate , Company and enterprise practise , ecological industrial park it establishes to be and government between organization and the public person who participate in respect especially , Have analysed and appraised the exploration process of foreign circulation economy and development trend objectively .
Non-governmental environmental protection organization , which is , relatively speaking , the effective organization form for the public participation , cannot be separately developed without the active participation of the general public .
The problem of power is how to achieve its responsible use rather than its irresponsible and indulgent use-of how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public .