- 名static models

Static Models of Administrative System for Adult Education Based on UML
The system 's architecture , function and running scenes are showed by static models and dynamic models in UML .
The static model employs named and typed Java interfaces .
Research of CFB Boiler 's Static Model Based on the Energy Balance and Ash Balance
In the first , we build the UML static model of the C / OS - ⅱ, using class diagram .
The Analysis and Simulation of the Static-state Model of NPT-IGBT
In this paper , we construct a model for evaluating the impact of real exchange rates on FDI allocation between host countries .
Multi-period asset allocation models based on VaR have fewer expected losses and less risk than static models with the same of expected wealth .
Firstly , the static model and basical properties of FPA are profoundly studied .
It illuminates UML application in developing an enterprise enrollment system of demand analysis , establishing stable model and dynamic model by a concrete developing example in detail .
This paper provides in-depth theoretical study and experimental analysis of photovoltaic power plant , and has established the MW PV power station static and dynamic overall model .
This paper discusses issues of finite word-length effects in the block floating-point radix-8 FFT processor and presents a novel static model based on statistical analysis .
Dynamic Control of Adaptive Static Model of 25 t Converters
In the analysis and design process , several models are built by visual elements of UML , including Requirement Model , Static Model , Dynamic Model , Implementation Model .
The thesis uses UML and Rose to model the Business Bus , and gives out the basic dynamic and static model of the Business Bus , then gives the extension scheme .
We argue in this thesis that such a conceptual model will be more suitable for open and dynamic MAS than others . 2 . Another important question we need to answer is " How does an agent behave ?" .
In this method , UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) is firstly used to draw out the use-case diagram and the class diagram of the system to form a static model .
The traditional PID control theory is proposed , and then the UPFC 's PI controller is designed based on UPFC 's static model and its control variables .
Specific application of UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) in fault diagnosis expert system for a weapon system were set forth in detail . Static modeling and dynamic modeling are also built .
UML simulation model of equipment manufacturing product line is provided , which includes dynamic and static models to depict the entire manufacturing system including process , regulation , organization , relationship between objects .
It also uses Rational Rose 2003 to set up the static model , dynamic model and alternative model of the browser of software pattern , as well as to set up the database model of information storage of software design pattern .
COREX process is briefly introduced . A static model combining a set of mass and heat balance equations was developed .
The paper has introduced the main characteristic and advantage of modeling tool Creator briefly , and researched modeling process and controlling method of dynamic model in three-dimension visual simulation emphatically .
The understanding objects and to dividing objects of OO modeling in MIS is analyzed , and the dynamic and static model for features of objects is discussed .
A class of GA-RBF neural network control for the BOF steelmaking static model
The forth chapter using VB6.0 , Implement the DMMS-1 system , while giving realization code of critical module .
Utilizing UML in the Personal Office Module , the static model of Presentation Layer , Data Access Layer and Business Logic Layer according to the global system software architecture and the dynamic model of message conveying among layers are given .
Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) is introduced in this paper , and a model of C ~ 3I System for tank unit based on UML is proposed . The model is composed of static model and dynamic model .
Three dimensional finite element model of static contact for single tooth-pair of double-arc gear was established according to APDL language embedded in ANSYS , and the distributing graph of static contact stress was obtained after separating reseau and loading .
The static model constrained the component 's interaction through checking the component port and the type of admitted messages , and the dynamic model depicted dynamic behaviors in the component performing process using Petri net , and then the dynamic behavior graph was created .