- 名static analysis

A Static Analysis Method for Detecting Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities in C Program
A Static Analysis Tool Supporting C Program Testing
For Web applications , the most important type of security static analysis is called taint flow analysis .
Rational Application Developer includes static analysis tools that enable you to identify defects before the code even runs .
We can find out the critical nodes using static analysis , and then apply dynamic IR drop analysis on the critical nodes .
As I mentioned earlier , although I was successful at enticing many IBM teams to use Rational Application Developer , our static-analysis-and-inspection tool , my own development team resisted .
Differential Quadrature Method for Quasi-Static Analysis of Viscoelastic Plates with Transverse Shear Effects
Because the C language syntax supported by different compilers is different , the author met so many syntax compatibility issues in study of the C language static framework that start to do cross-platform analysis .
First , based on CH model , combined with its expanding research get the static analysis model of this article .
CPD , which is part of the popular open source static analysis tool PMD , reports the number of duplicate lines in a code base .
There are many open source tools and commercial products for static analysis available , and you can find a list of them on Wikipedia .
Combining the two sets of issues is not simple : dynamic analysis speaks in terms of URLs and parameters , while static analysis discusses classes and lines of code .
I encourage you to try some form of static analysis tool on your code , whether it 's FindBugs , PMD , or something else .
Both the clustering analysis technology and static source-code analysis were used in this method to identify crosscutting concerns from object-oriented legacy system . Direct method invocation relationship was used as the characteristics of scattering code . Candidate Aspects set was generated automatically after clustering .
This method first takes the clone code of C programs as input and generates parser tree . Based on parser tree built above , program dependence graph is established and static analysis is performed , through which the control dependence information and data flow information are collected .
The static methods are usually used to evaluate public expenditures on education within budget , with the disadvantage that they are hard to be utilized to character the relationship in temporal sequence between GDP and public expenditures on education .
This paper introduces a C + + static analyzer capable of parsing templates , together with a customized definition of basic generic component in C + + and the notations based on UML for visualizing the basic generic components .
After corroborating the parameters such as diameter D , volume V etc of hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic added unit like oil-case , pipeline for example with the analysis of static state and dynamic state too , then a parameter list is obtained .
Program static detection , a method of information and data flow analysis for source program with PASCAL like language is presented , which is an effective method for decreasing program errors such as data flow error , infinitive program iteration , etc.
The optimal investment rule is found by contingent claims analysis .
Variational quasi-static analysis of the upper beam for frame press machine
A Time Domain Method for Quasi-Static Analysis of Viscoelastic Thin Plates
Comparative statics analysis for first price sealed bid auction and procurement
These circuit models also adapt to the static and dynamic analysis .
A simple integral equation method for the viscoelastic quasistatic analysis of pile
There are two types of program analysis : static and dynamic .
Nonlinear analysis of free rectangular plate on elastic foundation
The analysis of mode is carried out after the analysis of static .
Static analysis method of load balancing and its application in network route allocation
The chapter seven makes a comparative static analysis .