- preadolescence

MRI Manifestations of Children in Puberty with Pituitary Hyperplasia due to Hypothyroidism
Materials and Methods MRI findings of 10 cases with pituitary hyperplasia by hypothyroidism and 10 cases adolescent children as control were compared and analyzed .
Conclusions In adolescence , expression of eNOS regulates secretion of hormone and germ cell development ;
Results The secondary sexual development was regressed with interruption of their menses . The serum E 2 levels decreased to prepubertal levels and their growth velocity declined with deceleration of their bone maturation .
Resting energy expenditure is not increased in prepubertal children with Alagille syndrome
Methods Serum levels of leptin , serum growth hormone binding protein ( GHBP ), height and weight were observed in 49 normal prepubertal children and 48 normal postpubertal children .
During the period 1979 - 1990 six cases of ovarian choriocarcinoma were seen . Four of these patients were in pubertal and prepuberal girls one of which presented , in addition , pubertal precocity . The urine pregnancy test was positive in all of these cases .
Conclusions : ① CHM for nourishing Yin and purging Fire , as well as Leuprorelin , were able to inhibit the occurrence of the true precocious puberty induced by NMA in female rats , and remain the rats in normal prepuberty status .
Correlation of level of blood lead with behavioral development of adolescents
Study on calcium absorption rate in premenarche Chinese girls aged 9-11.5 years
The controls were 13 age matched healthy prepubertal girls .
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and insulin of prepubertal girls born small for gestational age
Prepubertal Mice Female Germline Stem Cell Isolation , Cell Line Establishment and Characterization
Conclusion : Massive obesity is associated with the maldevelopment of sex organs in prepuberty .
These defined stages are embryonic , prepubertal , pubertal , pregnancy , lactation and involution .
Objective : To evaluate the body-composition of Beijing Han pre-puberty girl and its relationship with puberty .
Objective : Our purpose was to study the relationship between body composition and the development of sexual organ among boys in prepuberty .
The Relation of Serum Vitamin D , Estradiol , and Lean Body Mass to the Bone Development in Early Pubertal and Pre-Pubertal Girls
For further research of the properties of FGSCs from mice of different age groups , in this study , through two-step enzymes digestion , we isolated cells from the ovaries of seven prepubertal ( 12d ) female mice .
Female features were retained in 19 cases and male features in 2.Of them 15 cases were followed up for 3 to 8 years . Of the 15 cases 14 were treated by hormone replacement ( oral stilbestrol ) with obvious improvement of secondary sexual character .
Moreover , the utilization ratio of Met and His ( one unit carbon AA ) were higher during ante - puberty .
A Twin Study on Development of Psychological Behaviors and Personality Characteristics in the Early and Middle Stage of Puberty in Jining
The Present Situation of the Sexual Education for Teenages and Strategies of School ; A Twin Study on Development of Psychological Behaviors and Personality Characteristics in the Early and Middle Stage of Puberty in Jining
The demands made on preteens and teens by modern life have definitely increased the level of stress . A Twin Study on Development of Psychological Behaviors and Personality Characteristics in the Early and Middle Stage of Puberty in Jining