
  • 网络World Youth Conference;Conference of Youth;National Youth Council
  1. 青少年性和生殖健康及权利加勒比青年首脑会议

    Caribbean Youth Summit on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

  2. 湖南省第二届青年学术会议在长沙召开

    The Second Scholarship Meeting of Young Scientists Held in Changsha City , Hunan

  3. 欧洲主管青年部长会议

    Conference of European Ministers responsible for youth

  4. 此舞龙奇景是第五届世界佛教青年僧伽会议闭幕式的一个特色。

    The Dragon Dance spectacle was a feature of the closing ceremony of the fifth Conference of World Buddhist Sangha Youth .

  5. 我从没有碰到过像他这样的牧师,他把周日与周四晚上的卫斯理青年团会议称为“生活大学”。

    I had never met anyone like him . Don called his Sunday and Thursday night Methodist Youth Fellow ship sessions " the University of Life . "

  6. 上个月中国国际广播电台在北京举行了中印青年圆桌会议,他在会议上表示,近年来中印之间的关系发展迅速。

    At last month 's China-India Youth Roundtable hosted by China Radio International in Beijing , he said that ties between China and India have been rapidly developing in recent years .

  7. 建立和发展国家青年机构国际会议

    International Meeting on Establishment and Development of National Machineries for Youth

  8. 第二届全国青年选矿学术会议述评

    Review of the second national youths ' academic conference of mineral processing

  9. 面向自主创新的情报学创新与发展&中国科协第126次青年科学家论坛会议综述

    Innovation and Development of Intelligence Science Oriented to Self-driven Innovation

  10. 葡语国家青年事务部长会议

    Conference of Youth Ministers of the Portuguese - Speaking Countries

  11. 新一代人才创造通信新一代技术&记第二届中国西部青年通信学术会议

    New Generation of Talents Creates New Generation of Technology

  12. 我应朋友之邀去参加一个青年团体的会议。

    I was invited by a friend to attend meetings of a youth organization .

  13. 波罗的海青年事务部长会议

    Baltic Sea Youth Ministers Conference

  14. 世界基督教女青年会理事会会议

    World YWCA Council Meeting

  15. 曾参加全国青年作家创作会议、《诗刊》社青春诗会及全国散文诗笔会。

    He has ever participated in the National Meeting on Literary Creation by Young Writers , the " Youth Poetry Meeting " by the Poetry Periodical and the National Prose-Poetry Pen Club .

  16. 第三届全国青年体育科学学术会议论文综述

    Themes analysis : dissertations in the third national youth athletics scientific seminar

  17. 拉丁美洲儿童青年状况问题特别会议

    Special Meeting on the Situation of Children and Youth in Latin America

  18. 太平洋各国青年事务部长区域会议

    Regional Conference of Youth Ministers of the Pacific Community

  19. 法语国家青年和体育部长会议

    Conference of Francophone Ministers of Youth and Sports

  20. 主管青年事务部长世界会议

    World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth

  21. 青年失业问题圆桌会议

    Round Table on Youth Unemployment

  22. 近五年来,各地在共青团组织之外纷纷尝试建立青年局、青年工作联席会议、青少年事务署等机构,并依托这类机构决策青年事务、提供青年公共服务。

    In recent 5 years , governments all over China attempt to build institutions such as Youth Bureau , Youth Work Joint Conference , Adolescent Affairs Committees , etc , relying on which to make youth policy and provide public youth service .

  23. 中国的青年政策和青年工作&在中国联合国青年主题小组会议上的讲话

    Youth policies and youth work in China