
  1. 在由青山碧水蓝天构成的象限里。

    In a dimension of green mountains and blue waters .

  2. 你看,青山碧水构成了如画的风景。

    You see , the green hills and clear waters really present picturesque scenery .

  3. 难忘那些渐渐远去的青山碧水,蓝天白云,说不完的话,写不完的信,小桥流水,人约黄昏。

    Forget those receding castle peak green , blue sky and white clouds , does not say , don 't finish writing the letter , Bridges , about dusk .

  4. 龙舟之乡顺德揽翠&顺德区青山、碧水、蓝天环保工程概述

    Environmental protection project outline of Shunde

  5. 桂林的景色以“青山,碧水,美石,怪洞”为特色。

    The landscape in Guilin is characterized by its " green hills , clear waters , pretty rocks , and grotesque caves " .

  6. 到2008年,实现青山、碧水、绿地、蓝天和建成生态城市的目标。

    By2008 , we will achieve the goal of building the capital into an ecological city that features green hills , clear water , grass-covered ground , and blue sky .

  7. 最后,对广州市人居环境进行评价与优化研究,以期为广州市实现蓝天、青山、碧水、绿地和舒适人文环境的建设目标提供参考和可操作途径。

    At last , the paper makes a case study of Guangzhou to provide reference and operating approaches which help Guangzhou realize its construction aim that is blue sky , black mountain , green jade water and green space .

  8. 采石场整治复绿工作是广州市“青山绿地、蓝天碧水”工程的重要组成部分。

    Quarries reforestation is an important part of Guangzhou 's project of turning the city into one with " green hills and land , blue sky and clear waters " .