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  • sky;firmament
青冥 [qīng míng]
  • [sky]天空

  • 青冥浩荡不见底。--唐. 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》

  1. 据Netflix方面证实,《卧虎藏龙之青冥宝剑》将于明年2月8日正式在Netflix和中国影院上映。

    The Netflix-backed " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon : Sword of Destiny " will premiere on February 8th next year , both on Netflix and in Chinese theatres .

  2. 该片名为《卧虎藏龙2:青冥宝剑》(CrouchingTiger,HiddenDragon:TheGreenDestiny),它出自独立制片公司温斯坦公司,而非大型电影公司,成本相对较低。

    The film , called " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon : The Green Destiny , " is a production of the independent Weinstein Company , not a major movie studio , and has a relatively modest budget .

  3. 《青冥宝剑》是Netflix投拍的第三部原创片——前两部是《无境之兽》(BeastsofNoNation)与《滑稽六人组》(TheRidiculous6)——它并没有从前作中继承太多情节。

    The third Netflix original feature ( after " Beasts of No Nation " and " The Ridiculous 6 " ) , " Sword of Destiny " lifts what little plot it has from the earlier film .

  4. 《卧虎藏龙:青冥宝剑》是《卧虎藏龙》的续集,基本上非常无趣,周五在Netflix上演。此片唯一令人惊讶之处就是竟然有人觉得有拍摄这样一部片子的需要。

    The only surprise about " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon : Sword of Destiny , " the thoroughly unexciting sequel that became available on Netflix on Friday , is that anyone thought it needed to be made .

  5. 李慕白突然交出了青冥剑又退出了江湖。

    Li Mubai suddenly gives up his sword and his warrior days .

  6. 这把坚不可摧,名为“青冥”的宝剑又一次面临被盗的危险。

    Once again the invincible sword known as Green Destiny must be protected from thieves .

  7. 这部影片官方名称为《卧虎藏龙之青冥宝剑》。

    The film is officially titled " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon : Sword of Destiny . "

  8. 《卧虎藏龙2》设定在第一部的故事发生后20年,讲述的是四位武侠英雄努力保护青冥宝剑的故事。

    The Green Destiny , set 20 years after the events of the first movie , follows four martial arts heroes trying to protect the Green Destiny sword .

  9. 影片在新西兰拍摄,大部分剧组成员都是西方人,也有少数几个亚裔和澳大利亚演员,《青冥宝剑》有种杂交的感觉。

    Filmed in New Zealand by a mostly Western crew , with a number of Asian-American and Australian actors , " Sword of Destiny " has a hybrid feel .

  10. 本部影片讲述的是四位武林侠客为保护拥有400年历史之久的青冥宝剑周全的故事,由著名武术指导袁和平担任导演。

    The film follows four martial arts heroes who are trying to protect the 400-year-old sword , known as the Green Destiny . The film is directed by renowned fight choreographer Yuen Woo-ping .

  11. 影片勾勒出一场场打斗,直到最后的生死较量,却根本没能传递出李安贯穿在《卧虎藏龙》里的魅力和情感。“它没有被藏起来,”俞秀莲在贝勒府中发现青冥剑时说。

    As the film ticks off the fights on its way to the big showdown , there isn 't a moment that possesses the enchantment or emotion with which Mr. Lee infused " Crouching Tiger . " " It is not kept hidden , " Shu Lien says , spying the Green Destiny in Sir Te 's quarters .