
  • 网络Overlord clause;overlord terms;arbitrary clause
  1. 大型超市利用这一市场优势地位,向供应商实施一系列的控制手段,如滥收通道费,签订霸王条款等。

    Large-scale retail enterprises utilize this position to implement a series of control methods to suppliers , such as charging slotting allowance and signing overlord terms .

  2. 诸如,虚假宣传、过度宣传返现金额,恶意提高返利门槛,人为拉长返现周期,滥用格式合同、霸王条款,以返利为噱头进行网络传销活动等。

    Such as , false advertising , excessive publicity cashback amount , malicious raise rebate threshold , artificial cashback cycle long , abuse of format contract , overlord terms , to rebate as a stunt for Internet pyramid selling activities .

  3. 霸王条款形成的博弈分析

    The game analysis toward forming of " overbearing clause "

  4. 解读消费合同中的霸王条款

    Deciphering High-handed Clause in Consumer Contract

  5. 《新京报》报道,消费者合同的“细则”经常包含“霸王条款”。

    The small print in consumer contracts increasingly contains unfair clauses , the Beijing News reported .

  6. 违约是业主的“错”如何提防房产买卖“霸王条款”?

    Owners default is " wrong " and how to guard against property " despot " clauses ?

  7. 他还有另外一个选择,即放弃自己的“霸王条款”,好好考虑下自己想要在哪打球,在哪生活。

    His only other option is to relax his no-trade clause and consider where else he might want to play ( and live ) .

  8. 借鉴发达国家的经验,对保险“霸王条款”应当采用综合治理的模式,充分发挥审判部门、监管机构、保险公司和消费者四方的作用。

    In developed countries , the regulating of unfair insurance terms is modeled as a comprehensive method , bringing together court , supervisory authorities , insures and consumers .

  9. 我们不能回到大银行或恶劣的主力可以书写霸王条款的日子而让成千上万的家庭的安全陷入危险。

    We can 't put the security of families at risk by returning to the days when big banks or bad actors were allowed to write their own rules .

  10. 笔者认为要彻底消除包价格式旅游合同中的霸王条款,当采取立法、行政、司法及社团行业自律等多元途径进行综合规制。4、完善我国包价格式旅游合同的建议。

    Need to remove the form tour contract " despot clause ", should adopt multivariant way such as legislation , administrative judicature , and corporation industry autonomy carrying out effective gauge system . 4 、 Perfect dyadic our country price tour contract suggestion .

  11. 第三章本章针对目前商品房买卖市场中存在的诸多含有霸王条款的格式合同,论述了霸王条款产生的法律渊源是格式合同的泛滥及其在我国产生的社会背景。

    Chapter three Because there exist many formed contracts with some " overbearing articles " in current commercial housing sales market , this chapter has analyzed why the " overbearing article " exists ( the abuse of formed contract ) and analyzed its social background in our country .