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霓裳 [ní cháng]
  • [Nichang] 就是《霓裳羽衣曲》,唐代乐曲名,相传为唐玄宗所制

  • 轻拢慢捻抹复挑,初为《霓裳》后《六幺》。——唐· 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》

  1. 我要在那里悄悄地缝制,来世出嫁的霓裳。

    I 'll sew my bridal dress calmly for afterlife 's loom .

  2. 《霓裳羽衣曲》是唐代法曲中的重要作品,但它在音乐舞蹈方面只留下了很少的史料。

    Melody of White Feathers Garment is an important work of Taoist music in the Tang dynasty .

  3. 大连国际服装节霓裳盛宴

    Dalian International Fashion Show

  4. 唐代《霓裳羽衣舞》艺术风格及思想意境分析

    Analysis of Artistic Style and Ideological level of " Rainbow and Feather Garment Dance " of Tang Dynasty

  5. 《霓裳羽衣》艺术特征及多元化分析

    An Analysis of " Song of the Colorful Robe and Feather Clothes " for Its Artistic Characteristics and Diversification

  6. 1923年萧友梅大型钢琴曲《霓裳羽衣舞》出版,这已是比较专业化的钢琴作品了。

    In1923 Xiao Youmei published his piano composition Raiment of Rainbows and Feathers Dance , which was a fairly professional piece of music .

  7. 《洛丽塔》尽管披挂着现代主义、唯美主义、现实主义的五彩霓裳,但却流淌着黑色幽默的喷张热血,跳动着一颗后现代主义的火热心灵。

    Lolita , although with colorful coats of modernism , aestheticism , realism , but flows black humor blood and beats a heart of postmodernism .

  8. 《东方霓裳》是锦绣中华民族艺术团推出的集民族服饰、舞蹈、音乐和舞美于一体的大型民族服饰舞蹈诗。

    Oriental Nerissa is large-scale folk clothing dancing that integrates folk clothing , dance , music and beauty promoted by Folk Art Group of Splendid China .

  9. 莲花开了,姿态各异,有伸展艳丽、如舞霓裳的,含苞待放的或“半遮琵琶半遮面”的;

    Lotus opened , gestures vary , there are gorgeous stretch , such as the dance Colorful , the bud , or half-half cover Pipa concealed in ;

  10. 精巧的衣柜不只是霓裳艳装的收容所,也是温馨空间的靓丽装扮,在悄无声息中完成对亲情的不渝守护。

    The delicate wardrobe is not only the store of beautiful dresses , but the pretty decoration of the sweet space , which accomplishes the care of natural affection .

  11. 大型《杨贵妃霓裳羽衣舞》灯光艺术画,其每个细节的绚丽色彩都体现得十分贴切,恰到好处。

    The large-scale light art painting " The Highest-ranking Imperial ConcuBine Yang Dancing in a Luxurious Dress " is shown with Brilliant colour that exhiBits every detail properly and rightly .

  12. 其中由边地进献的《凉州》、《柘枝》、《霓裳羽衣》三大乐舞流行面广,观赏者众,尤为突出。

    Among the music and dance of Tang dynasty ," Liang Zhou "," Zhe Zhi "," Ni Shang Yu Yi " have been prominent for the cause of their popularity and influence .