
  • 网络Hoddle;GLENN HODDLE;Hoder;Hodr
  1. 我只是格伦-霍德尔的球迷但不是热刺的。

    I was a fan of Glenn Hoddle , not of Spurs .

  2. 重要的是我是格伦-霍德尔的铁杆粉丝。

    Main thing was that I was a big fan of Glenn Hoddle .

  3. 司法部长霍德尔(EricHolder)在一份声明中表示,制定移民政策,实施移民法是全国的责任。

    Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement , Setting immigration policy and enforcing immigration laws is a national responsibility .

  4. 你要想看霍德尔的比赛就得看托特纳姆的。

    When you wanted to see Hoddle play you watched Tottenham .

  5. 他的家里人都是曼联球迷,但是丹尼斯还是最喜欢热刺队的格伦-霍德尔。

    His family were Manchester United fans , but Dennis admired Glenn Hoddle of Spurs the most .

  6. 他们会告诉你他们的偶像是贝利、马拉多纳、克鲁伊夫但我会说是格伦-霍德尔。

    They will tell you that Pele , Maradona , Cruyff are their idols and I will say Glenn Hoddle .

  7. 球队迫切需要更高水平的球员补充到阵容当中,而霍德尔就象一块磁铁,吸引了荷兰天才球员路德。古利特从意大利投奔而来。

    A player of the very highest reputation was needed to kick-start the club and Hoddle was the magnet that persuaded Dutch legend Ruud Gullit to leave Italy for West london .