
  1. 霍在生前就是骑着这匹马征战厮杀,立下战功的。石马实际上是霍去病的象征。

    Huo had ridden this horse into battle and it became symbolic of him .

  2. 不幸的是,霍去病在24岁时病逝了。

    Unfortunately Huo died at the age of24 .

  3. 乐的精神&霍去病墓石刻艺术中的刻戏观念初探

    Spirit for " Cheerfulness " - Elementary Exploration of Carving Show mentality in Stone Carving Art for Huo Qubing 's Tomb

  4. 形象地表现了汉帝国的强盛而不可撼,高度地概括了霍去病戎马征战的丰功伟绩。

    The sculpture vividly displays the great power of the Western Han Dynasty and Huo Qubing 's immense military contribution to his empire .

  5. 我们的所在的是茂陵博物馆入口,身后的小土丘是霍去病墓而不是真正的茂陵。耶林墓地、古北欧石刻和教堂

    The small hill behind is the Tomb for Huo Qu Bing , where we were seated is the entrance of the museum . Jelling Mounds , Runic Stones and Church

  6. 霍去病墓石刻以动物和人物造型为主,它不但具有纪念战功的性质,还有震慑属国、为天下祈福的内涵,同时还反映了西汉社会流行的神仙思想。

    Huo Qubing stone tomb with animal and character modeling , it not only has the nature of memorial military exploit , and frightening the submitted states , praying for the country , but also reflects the popular social thought of immortals .