
zhèn tiān
  • shake heaven
  1. 她一进门便听到西部音乐震天的响声。

    The sound of western music blasted as she entered .

  2. 人群笑声震天,欣喜若狂。

    The crowd howled , delirious .

  3. 战场上吼声震天,意在唤起士兵们最昂扬的斗志。

    The battle roared ; a sound calculated to arouse the sublimest emotions in the breast of the soldier .

  4. 助手们发出了一片震天的欢呼声。

    The assistants raised a formidable hurrah .

  5. 你看,阳光耀眼,音乐震天。

    You know , the sun and my music was blasting .

  6. 战场上,杀声震天。

    On the battlefield , the sound of fighting shakes the heavens .

  7. 她开车过来,音乐震天响。

    She is coming by car , music blaring .

  8. 他自己倒是睡得很香,鼾声震天。

    He himself slept peacefully , and snored aloud ;

  9. 床上睡觉,而且鼾声震天。

    Bed to sleep , but snoring deafening .

  10. 在她那浪涛震天滨海的墓地里。

    In her tomb by the sounding sea .

  11. 刹时间鼓声震天。

    Suddenly there was a roll of drums .

  12. 红蜘蛛,霸主,萨克巨人与袭击同谋共保威震天。

    Oslash ; Starscream , Overlord , Scorponok and Onslaught agree to follow Megatron .

  13. 吹鼓手高奏颂歌,一遍又一遍,喧声震天。

    Trumper played the carols , again and again , the sound deafening noise .

  14. 有时沉默好似震天惊雷。

    Sometimes silence can seem so loud .

  15. 尽管我们不再有昔日的伟力,可以震天撼地。

    And though we are not now that strength which as old days moved earth and heaven .

  16. 我反对他深更半夜还把收音机开得震天响。

    I object to him having the radio on at full blast till all hours of the night .

  17. 因此,尽管女性和少数民族享有自由的口号一直喊得震天响,但实际状况的改变却始终步履迟缓。

    Hence while freedom for women and minorities was proclaimed , the status quo was slow to change .

  18. 即使这样喧声震天,也没有惊醒山上两个困乏的落难人。

    Loud as it was , it was not sufficient to rouse the two tired wayfarers above them .

  19. 你有空洗衣服……把最棒的音乐开得震天嘎响的自由。

    You have time to do your laundry ...... freedom to play your favorite bad music really loudly .

  20. 上周甚至还出现了一点节日气氛,旌旗招展、鼓声震天,人们举着火把高喊口号,甚至穿着盛装招摇过市。

    Last week there was a slightly festive air – with flags , drums , torches , chants and even fancy dress on display .

  21. 在接下来的几天、几周甚至数月内,威斯布鲁克会爆发出何等的震天怒气?笔者已然词穷了。

    I can 't imagine what level of rage is going to be firing inside Westbrook in the days , weeks , months ahead .

  22. 狼满足了食欲之后便重新躺到床上睡觉,而且鼾声震天。

    When the wolf had appeased his appetite , he lay down again in the bed , fell asleep and began to snore very loud .

  23. 这样英勇地遵守了惯例之后,他们才握起武器,发出了震天的喊杀声,可是已经太晚了。

    Then , indeed , the tradition gallantly upheld , they seized their weapons , and the air was torn with the war-cry ; but it was now too late .

  24. 不过为了证实你乘坐“震天惊叫”没有一点儿恐惧和同伴的压力,马上排队再来一次是值得的。

    But to prove you didn 't do it out of sheer terror or peer pressure , it pays to queue up straight away and do it all over again .

  25. 网站的设计惨不忍睹,用户刚点开一个音乐背景资料,音乐就不请自来,放得震天响,还存在重大的隐私问题。

    The design remained horrible ; unbidden music would come blaring out of computer speakers as soon as a user clicked on a profile ; and there were major privacy concerns .

  26. 去年在温州,居民们凑了26万元人民币,购买了自己的扩音器系统,用震天的响声向在当地广场聚集的跳舞者表达抗议。

    Last year , in Wenzhou , residents pooled together 260000 renminbi , about $ 42350 , to buy their own loudspeaker system to blast complaints when dancers gathered in a local plaza .

  27. 自威震天领导狂派侵攻地球的三年之后,人类政府认为一度兵败的威震天已经逃离,然而,擎天柱深知,破坏大帝绝不会轻言放弃。

    It has been three years since Megatron and the Decepticons last threatened the world . Earth 's leaders believe that Megatron has fled the planet in defeat but Optimus Prime knows better .

  28. 就在这天夜里,风雨大作,庞德在帐中,只听万马奔腾,喊声震天。

    That night , wind blew fiercely and rain came down heavily . Pang De , sitting in his tent , heard the restless movements of the horses and the sound of battle drums . Alarmed , he went outside to look .

  29. 狼刚把话说完,就从床上跳起来,把小红帽吞进了肚子,狼满足了食欲之后便重新躺到床上睡觉,而且鼾声震天。

    the wolf had scarcely finished speaking when he jumped from the bed with a single leap and ate up poor Little Red Cap . As soon as the wolf had satisfied his desires , he climbed back into bed , fell asleep , and began to snore very loudly .