  • Xiao;clouds;sky;heaven
  • 云:云~。~汉(a.云霄和天河,指天空:b.古代喻朝廷)。

  • 天空:九~。重(chǒng )~。~壤(天和地,喻相去很远)。


(云) clouds:

  • 高入云霄

    towering into the clouds;

  • 凌霄

    reach the clouds


(天空) sky; heaven:

  • 九霄云外

    beyond the highest heavens


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 霄略

    Xiao Lüe

  1. 汉霄苍茫,牵住繁华哀伤,弯眉间,命中注定,成为过往。

    Han silvery clouds , call prosperous grief , bending the brow , fated , become past .

  2. 道教神霄派渊源略考

    A brief examination of the origin of Taoist Divine Heaven Sect

  3. 如果我们想实现国家减排目标,同时帮助最易受气候影响的国家适应气候变伈,急霄有效地启动协议上概述的政策。

    There must urgently be a meaningful mobilisation of the policies outlined in the agreement if we are to achieve national emissions reductions while helping the most vulnerable countries adapt to climate change .

  4. 当你高唱“难忘今霄”时,我们肯定不会笑。

    We don 't laugh when you sing Auld Lang syne .

  5. “元”是第一的意思,“霄”指夜晚。

    Yuan literally means first , while Xiao refers to night .

  6. 我们这个区开始霄禁了。

    They 're starting that curfew tonight , and this is our area .

  7. 可是良霄苦短。

    But the night is very short .

  8. 自上周起,穆斯林聚众在教堂的假日学校立行晨礼和霄礼。

    Since last week , Muslims have gathered at the Church 's Sunday school space to perform the Fajr ( Dawn ) and'Isha ' ( night ) prayers .

  9. 滕霄是一位有着深厚学院艺术功底和修养的艺术家,从他的人体创作中便可明显地感受这一点;

    Teng Xiao is an artist with a profound academic background of both knowledge and cultivation , which from his creation of the human body we can feel clearly ;

  10. 上海广播电视局东海影视乐园、中外合资射击游乐场、白玉兰渡假村、宫霄渡假村、国家级野生动物园等旅游佳地环围其中。

    Broadcasting & Television Bureau , Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures Shooting Park , Baiyulan Vacational Village and Gongshiao Vacational Village as well as nationally Wild Animal Park and so on .

  11. 造成陕西省农村教霄落后的重要原因之一就是师资队伍人员匮乏、专业素质不高。

    One of the key factors that leads to the backwardness of education in the countryside of Shaanxi province is the deficiency of teachers and inferior quality of speciality .

  12. 在一个居民人均年收入不足8000美元的城市里,合生霄云路8号楼盘一套500平米公寓的定价却远远超过1000万美元。

    In a city where the average annual income is less than $ 8,000 , a 500 square meter apartment in this development is priced at well in excess of $ 10m .

  13. 正如英国东安格利亚大学影视高级讲师布霄特•米尔斯所言,《老友记》是首部讲述20来岁年轻人所面临的问题的情景剧。

    According to Brett Mills , senior lecturer in film and television studies at the University of East Anglia in the UK , Friends was the first sitcom that directly addressed the problems faced by twenty-somethings .

  14. 作出磁带消磁长度与霄电流峰值的拟合曲线,对测量数据进行误差分析,找到利用磁带直接测量雳电流最大陡度的新方洁。

    We calculate the regression curve about length of erased magnetic record and lightning current peak . We analyze the error of recording data and find a new means about direct measurement of the max lightning steepness with magnetic tapes .
