
  1. 然而近年来随着合成孔径雷达成像技术的不断发展,SAR图像的获取技术已经明显超前于SAR图像处理技术,因此,如何对SAR图像做出有效解释显得尤为重要。

    However , with the development of SAR imaging technology in recent years , the SAR image acquisition technology has significantly been ahead of SAR image processing technology , therefore , it is particularly important for us to to make effective interpretation of SAR image .

  2. 按照获得空间谱域观测的方式,运动目标雷达成像技术大致可分为ISAR成像技术和实孔径成像技术。

    According to the method of obtaining space-spectrum samples , the moving target imaging technique can be divided into two kinds : inverse synthetic aperture radar ( ISAR ) imaging technique and real aperture radar imaging technique .

  3. 基于稀疏成份分析的逆合成孔径雷达成像技术

    ISAR Imaging Techniques Based on Sparse Component Analysis

  4. 合成孔径和逆合成孔径技术是广泛应用的两种雷达成像技术。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar and Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar are two widely used technologies of imaging radar .

  5. 雷达成像技术是一种在军事和国防现代化建设中极为重要并且得到广泛应用的高尖端技术。

    Radar imaging is one of extremely important and widely used technologies in military and national defense modernization .

  6. 经过半个多世纪的发展,雷达成像技术已经逐渐成熟。

    With the development of more than half a century , the Radar imaging technology has been mature gradually .

  7. 作为信号处理的重要组成部分,雷达成像技术无论在军事还是民用上都有巨大的应用潜力。

    As one part of signal processing , radar imaging technique plays an important role in military and civil applications .

  8. 雷达成像技术能够提供目标更精细的结构信息,是战场侦察监视的重要手段。

    Radar image can provide fine information about the target structure , which is of great importance for reconnaissance and surveillance in battlefield .

  9. 进入八十年代随着数字信号处理技术和通用数字信号处理器件的发展,雷达成像技术的水平和功能也在不断提高。

    In 1980s , by the development of digital signal processing technology and general-purpose DSP chips , the level of Radar imaging technique was kept on developing .

  10. 合成孔径雷达成像技术作为一种新的雷达成像技术,现已广泛应用于军事和国民经济的许多领域。

    As a new king of imaging technology , Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) imaging technology has evolved to satisfy a variety of application for both civilian and military users .

  11. 尽管如此,直到二十世纪末期,随着我国相关部门对雷达成像技术的深入研究,雷达成像技术才得以在我国迅速发展,并逐步在国民经济的许多领域得到应用。

    Even now , with researched by the relative departments , imaging radar technique was rapidly developed in our country until the late 20th century , and was applying to many fields of the national economy .

  12. 如果利用逆合成孔径雷达成像技术对运动目标回波的多普勒频率的差别,获得的较高的横向分辨率目标是完全有可能分辨目标的。

    If we use the technology of ISAR to resolve the difference in Doppler frequency of the targets and obtain a fine resolution cross-cross image , we may separate them , but a long time of coherent processing is needed .

  13. 雷达成像技术具有巨大的军事和民用价值,考虑到科技发展与国防安全的需要,针对高速运动目标的成像研究必不可少。

    The radar imaging technology is very valuable for military and civilian application . Considering the needs of the development of science and technology and national security , it is essential to study the radar imaging technology of high speed moving target .

  14. 长期以来对雷达成像技术的研究注重于如何获得更高的分辨率,而基于对雷达成像物理本质的认识进而对目标进行识别的研究开展得还相对较少。

    For a long time , much more attentions have been focused on how to obtain higher resolution , but fewer researches have been done on physical understanding the nature of radar imaging . In fact this understanding could help us identify target better .

  15. 配准精度是InSAR合成孔径雷达干涉成像技术中的重要指标。

    Registration accuracy of InSAR is a key index .

  16. 多普勒质心估计是机载脉冲多普勒雷达DBS成像技术中最为关键的步骤之一。

    Doppler centroid estimation is one of the most important steps in the DBS imaging of airborne pulse Doppler radars .

  17. 干涉式逆合成孔径雷达三维成像技术研究

    Research on 3-D imaging technique for interferometric inverse synthetic aperture radar

  18. 步进跟踪模式下的单脉冲雷达三维成像技术研究

    Monopulse radar three dimensional imaging techniques for targets in stepped tracking mode

  19. 舰船目标单脉冲雷达三维成像技术

    Three-dimensional imaging technique of ship targets with monopulse radar

  20. 合成孔径雷达干涉成像技术及其应用

    Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry Technique and Its Applications

  21. 探地雷达实时成像技术的一种改进方法

    An Improving Method of GPR Real-time Imaging Technique

  22. 反恐用穿墙雷达立体成像技术中算法的研究

    Three-dimensional Imaging Algorithm Research for Counter-terrorism Radar

  23. 本文以双基地雷达和ISAR成像技术为基础,探讨了利用多个电视台和单个接收机实现对运动目标的转台成像。

    Based on bi-static radar and ISAR imaging , a discourse of using multiple television stations and a single receiver to realize the rotating imaging of moving target is presented in the paper .

  24. 雷达目标三维成像技术研究

    Radar Three Dimensional Imaging Techniques of Targets

  25. 在步进频率雷达一维距离成像技术中,经典的傅里叶变换算法受到距离分辨率的限制,并且存在较高的副瓣电平。

    Based on stepped frequency radar high range resolution technique , the Fourier transform technique is limited by the range resolution and wil result in high sublobe level .

  26. 随着合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像技术的不断发展,对SAR图像的成像精度和实时率的要求也愈来愈高,尤其是军事领域,高实时率是SAR成像系统的一个关键指标。

    With the development of SAR processing techniques , high image precision and high real time rate have become an important index , especially on military filed .

  27. 干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)成像技术是在合成孔径雷达(SAR)技术基础上发展起来的雷达成像技术。

    Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar ( InSAR ) image technique is a new radar image technique developed from Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) .

  28. 近年来,多谱段和高分辨率合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像技术已取得巨大进步,人们也高度重视其潜在的应用前景。

    In recent years , great progress in multispectral and high resolution synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) imaging technique has been made , and people have paid great attention to its potential application prospects .

  29. 激光雷达逆合成孔径成像技术现状及关键问题

    Developing technologies and key problems of inverse synthetic aperture lidar

  30. 本文研究了基于高阶统计量的雷达目标高分辨成像技术。

    The research presented investigates the use of higher-order statistics to the imaging techniques of high resolution radar targets .