
léi bào
  • thunderstorm;lightning storm;electrical storm;thunder-gust
雷暴 [léi bào]
  • [thunderstorm; lightning storm] 雷雨

雷暴[léi bào]
  1. 它在对云层、降水、冰雹和雷暴的气象探测以及在船舰和飞机的导航中,起着日益重要的作用。

    It plays an increasingly important part in meteorology for cloud , precipitation , hail and thunderstorm detection as well as the navigation of aircraft and ships .

  2. 雷暴过程中闪电产生NOx的地面观测研究

    Ground Observation of NO_x Generated by Lightning in Thunderstorm Weather

  3. 这项综合了12所大学和气象机构的9位气象研究员的成果的研究基于2012年美国宇航局DC-8风暴追逐机开展的一项空中飞行实验。这架飞机用于查看雷暴云顶层的砧状云。

    The study , which included contributions from nine atmospheric7 researchers across a dozen universities and meteorological agencies , was based on an airborne research flight conducted by a NASA DC-8 storm-chasing plane in 2012 .

  4. 北京地区雷暴大风日θe平均廓线特征

    θ _e Profile Characteristics of Downburst Days in Beijing Area

  5. 基于数据场的SVM技术在雷暴预报中的应用

    Application of SVM Technology Based on Data Field in Thunderstorm Report

  6. CCA方法用于月雷暴日资料的延长是可行的。

    The datum extension method based on PC-CCA is feasible .

  7. 由于天气预报报告说德国北部大部分地区在下午晚些时候都有雷暴,我决定把需要在法兰克福转机的汉莎航班换成柏林航空(airberlin)早一些的直飞航班。

    With severe thunderstorms forecast for most of northern Germany in the late afternoon , I decided to swap my Lufthansa connection through Frankfurt for an earlier direct flight on Air Berlin .

  8. 近50a上海金山地区雷暴的气候特征分析

    Climatological Characteristics of Thunderstorms in Jinshan in Past 50 Years

  9. WRF模式对弱强迫系统中雷暴预报个例研究

    A case study of forecasting thunderstorm in the weakly forced system with WRF model

  10. 以往的研究表明,暴雨、龙卷风、雷暴大风等强对流天气,与中尺度对流系统(MesoscaleConvectiveSystem,简称MCS)的演变发展有直接关系。

    Previous study showed that strong convective weathers , for instance , heavy rainfall , tornado , thunderstorm , etc. , have close relationship with the origin and evolution of Mesoscale Convective System ( MCS ) .

  11. 在卫星云图上MCS云团相互合并成典型的圆形,尺度较大,亮温较低,导致了强雷暴天气的发生。

    It was showed as a typical circular which was combined by some MCS clouds in satellite with large scale and low temperature feature , which caused the severe thunderstorm .

  12. 持续型(秋季型)的ELNino事件可能会引起上海地区年雷暴日数异常偏多,而少雷暴年则多为ENSO(ELNino/SouthernOscillation)冷暖事件的更替年。

    Durative El Nino events are likely to induce the abnormal increment of the thunderstorm frequency while fewer thunderstorms occur in the period of ENSO ( El Nino / Southern Oscillation ) transformation years .

  13. 另外深圳市雷暴的年际变化存在着准3a较短周期和11a、19a左右的长周期振荡。

    In addition , the annual change of the thunderstorm shows 3a short cycle and 11a , 19a long cycle vibration .

  14. 故可把大气电场数据的Hurst指数、奇异谱函数谱宽度作为利用大气电场数据对雷暴监测预警的一类预报因子。

    Hurst Index as well as Singular Spectrum Function Line Width of atmospheric electric field data can be used as a kind of forecast factor of thunderstorm monitoring and warning .

  15. 本文主要是利用三小时一次的GMS云图资料,分析了1978年6&8月份我国大陆上的六类雷暴天气,阐述了强雷暴活动的云图特征。

    In this paper by using the pictures taken once every three-hours , we analysed six different types of thunderstorms in June-August 1978 in China and showed the imagery characteristics of these thunderstorms .

  16. 年平均雨日为147d,雷暴日为96d;

    The mean annual rain day was 147d and thunderstorm day was 96d .

  17. 利用我国30年历年雷暴日资料,采用EOF和主值函数分析等方法,对我国年平均雷暴日的时空分布特征及其异常变化进行了研究。

    The diagnostic studies for the features of spatial and temporal distribution of the annual mean thunderstorm in China are made with EOF and main function analysis by using 30 year data from 104 observational stations .

  18. 龙卷风暴发展高度不是很高,回波顶高仅6~9km,类似于普通雷暴;

    Secondly , the height of the radar echo of the tornadic thunderstorm is only about 6 ~ 9 km as high as the common thunderstorm .

  19. 850、700hPa爆发性的增温增湿导致其以上气层出现潜在不稳定层结,是预报冬季雷暴的一个着眼点。

    850 and 700 hPa high explosive warming and explosive wetting caused potential instable stratification occurrence , they are the key to the winter thunderstorm forecast .

  20. 结果表明:深圳市属于雷暴多发区,53a平均雷暴日数为68.2d;

    The result indicates that Shenzhen locates in the high frequency zone of thunderstorm , 53a average days of thunderstorm are 68.2d ;

  21. 结果表明,太阳活动与全球气温、云量、VAI、雷暴及平流层温度之间有很好的相关性。

    Results show clear correlations between solar activity and global air temperature , global cloud coverage , 500 hPa vorticity area index ( VAI ), thunderstorm , column ozone and temperature departure in the lower stratosphere on different time scale .

  22. 应用天津新一代天气雷达产品和255m高的气象铁塔观测资料,分析了2004年06月22日20:00&21:40时出现在天津地区的一次雷暴大风天气过程。

    Based on Tianjin Doppler weather radar observations and 255m meteorological tower data , the thunderstrom , occurring from 20:00 to 21:40 on June 22 , 2004 in TianJin area , is analyzed .

  23. 高原雷暴天气层结具有与平原雷暴完全不同的特征,一般为整层弱不稳定,高度可以伸展到100hPa,整层不稳定能量不大,强雷暴CAPE值平均为782J。

    The atmospheric stratification of the Plateau storm is totally different from that of plain storm . The thunderstorm on plateau is usually instable on whole layers , up to the height of 100 hPa , and with low instable energy .

  24. 通过分析2001年7月2日的一次强雷暴带来的下击暴流,发现WINDEX在我国某些地区(例如济南)可能有一定用处,值得进一步尝试。

    Based on the analysis of a downburst event brought by severe thunderstorm on 2nd July 2001 , it is found that WINDEX is a helpful index in some regions and is worthwhile to try farther .

  25. 结果表明:41年来,长江三峡库区年平均雷暴日数较多,一般为34~45d,其中库区西北部和中南部为多雷区;年际变化大,最多年比最少年一般偏多27~61d;

    The results show that the mean annual number of thunderstorm days are 34 ~ 45d , and interannual thunderstorm variability is large , the difference between the maximum and minimum of annual thunderstorm days is 27 ~ 61d .

  26. 850hPa偏东急流左前侧的辐合区与200hPa西南急流入口区右侧辐散区重叠,产生的急流次级环流为强雷暴提供了持续强劲的上升运动。

    The sub-circulation caused by coupling of left convergence of east jet at 850 hPa and right divergence of entering place of southwest jet at 200 hPa supplied a continuous and powerful updraft .

  27. 在雷暴初期及活跃期前期,地闪回击发生之前有持续170~300ms的云内放电过程,它发生在云下部正电荷区和主负电荷区。

    Positive and negative flashes usually follow cloud discharges which lasted 170 ~ 300 ms and occurred between lower positive charge region and main negative charge region during the developing stage and early active stage of thunderstorm .

  28. 根据多年的实验资料,建议实际引雷试验时,以500m高度上的电场为参考来决定火箭的发射时刻,北方雷暴大于50kV/m,南方雷暴大于25kV/m。

    For the artificially triggering lightning experiment , it is suggested that the rocket lunching instant could be determined by referring the electric field at 500m above the ground , which is greater than 50kV / m in northern China and 25kV / m in southern China .

  29. 两次超级单体雷暴的电荷结构及其地闪特征

    Charge Structures and Cloud-to-ground Lightning Discharges Characteristics in Two Supercell Thunderstorms

  30. 因为他出生的那天有很大的雷暴。

    There was a huge thunderstorm the day he was born .