
  • 网络zero error;zero point error;Zero Shift;vz-vn
  1. 相差式测量仪表零点误差的分析

    The analyses of the zero error of phase demodulation instruments

  2. 文中同时对系统精度和假零点误差也进行了分析。

    The system accuracy and false zero error are also analyzed in the paper .

  3. 该装置采用组合放大器和组合DAC技术构成24bits标准DAC,使之具有很小的微分线性误差、积分线性误差、零点误差和增益误差。

    The technology of combined feed back amplifiers and combined DAC for building the 24 bits standard DAC used in the system make it have high accuracy , very small differential linearity error , very small drift and amplitude error .

  4. 对零点误差的处理是提高仪器测量精度的一个关键措施。

    Decreasing the zero error is a good way to improve the accuracy of instruments .

  5. 本文介绍了自感式电感传感器的工作原理,分析了零点误差产生的原因,在此基础上提出了对零点误差进行处理的措施。

    The principle of the self-induction sensor is introduced and the factors generating the zero inaccuracy are analyzed .

  6. 试验表明:四轮定位仪测量主销内倾存在零点误差和线性度系统误差。

    Experiments show that zero error and linear system error exist when SAI is tested by the four-wheel aligners .

  7. 该系统能对压力传感器的零点误差、灵敏度误差和温度漂移进行自动的补偿校正。

    The system can automatically compensate and calibrate the pressure sensor 's zero point error , sensitivity error and thermal drift .

  8. 实验结果表明,该措施能够有效地抑制零点误差,提高仪器测量精度。

    Experiment results indicate that this measure is of great help to constrain the zero error and increase precision of instruments .

  9. 摘要对传统方法目前已有的一些改进方案如遗传算法、零点误差消除方法以及多项式拟合方法的分析研究。

    Chapter II : The analyses of existing methods such as GA , zero-point error modified method , multinomial-fitting method and so on .

  10. 该设计选用了新型器件,可靠性高;采用了较先进的软件技术实现自动校正零点误差和数字滤波,精度高;

    By using modern element and advanced software technology , automatic error correction of zero point and data filtering , and high measuring accuracy were realized on the instrument .

  11. 为了解决传统方法的种种缺陷,不少学者进行了新的探索,提出了一些新的思路和方法,如遗传算法、零点误差消除方法、多项式拟合方法、单纯形法等等。

    For resolving these problems existed in traditional method , scholars have put forward many new methods and some improvements such as GA , multinomial-fitting method have been brought forward .

  12. 产品设计选用了新型器件,采用软件技术实现自动校正零点误差和数字滤波,精度高。

    Through employing modern elements and advanced software technology , the product has realized automatic correcting of error of zero point and digital filtering , and a high accuracy is obtained .

  13. 对扩散硅压阻式加速度传感器的零点误差、温度漂移和动态特性等进行了分析研究,给出了它们的补偿原理及其实现方法。

    A compensation technique for piezoresistive accelerometer 's zero error , temperature excursion , dynamic property is worked out in this paper . We give the theory and achieve method of compensation .

  14. 在液体浓度在线测试仪的研究过程中,利用单片机系统进行数据采集和处理,采用了三种软件抗干扰措施:消除零点误差及零漂,去极值后平均值滤波法,比值滤波法。

    On the development of a liquid density tester , three anti-interference methods , the elimination of zero point error and floating , the average of wave intensity and the ratio of wave intensities are employed in data collection and processing by one-chip processor .

  15. 采用了双向过零平均鉴相法作为减小零点漂移误差的办法;

    The bi-directional zero-crossing means is present to reduce the zero drift error .

  16. 该文分析了参考电压零点同步误差和操动机构动作时间分散性对断路器同步投切无功补偿电容器组控制准确度的影响。

    The affects of detection error of reference voltage zero point and operating time scatter of the mechanism are analyzed .

  17. 对六分力测试系统存在的零点漂移误差以及装药的变质量引起变值系统误差进行了分析,并在数据处理软件中对测量数据进行了误差修正。

    The zero-excursion error and the change-value error which is raised by the change of the rammer weight are analyzed , and those error are adjusted in the signal processing .

  18. 最后指出了减小零点标定误差的具体措施,为激光拨道系统的电气控制和现场调试提供了理论依据。

    Finally , this paper pointed out a specific measure to reduce calibrating error , and it also provides a theory basis for testing and network controlling of laser lining system .

  19. 并根据干扰模型分析了探头移动过程中探测信号的变化规律,得出了零点漂移误差与两条海缆间距离的关系。

    According to jamming model , it analyses a varying rule of detection signal while detector moves . And it deduces the relation between zero displacement error and distance between two submarine cables .

  20. 采用平面闪耀光栅作为光谱元件的远红外光谱测量原理,分析了四种主要的重复性误差:光栅常数制造误差、零点标定误差、转角测量误差、入射光束与衍射光束的夹角测量误差。

    Four main repeatability errors , i. e grating constant error , zero point scaling error , measuring error for turn angle and measuring error for angle between incident light and diffraction light are analyzed according to the measuring principle using plane glare grating as spectral elements of far-infrared spectrometer .

  21. 关于确定星表零点改正的误差方程

    On the Error Equations for Determining the Corrections to the Zero Points of a Star Catalogue

  22. 本文讨论确定星表零点改正的误差方程,并澄清了某些概念。星表的零点改正,即恒星参考坐标系的定向改正,通常是通过观测太阳或大小行星来得到的。

    The error equations for determining the corrections to the Zero points of a star catalogue are discussed , and some concepts are clarified .

  23. 对Horizon零点漂移及其他误差源进行了分析,并由此提出了其后置处理与误差补偿方法,并通过仿真验证了其可行性。

    The zero creep and other error source has been analysed . Thereafter disposal and error compensation about horizon has been lodged , demonstrated the feasibility by practical application .

  24. 此外,CS5532内部有一个完整的自校正系统,可进行自校准和系统校准,可消除A/D本身零点增益和漂移误差,以及系统通道的失调和增益误差。

    The calibration can eliminate A / D zero error system channel error and drift error .

  25. 在多重数大于300时,多粒子累积矩和李杨零点法的统计误差都很小。

    When the multiplicity is greater than 300 , the statistical errors from both multi-particle cumulants method and Lee Yang Zero method are small .

  26. 对参数识别中存在的误差进行了分析研究,结合拉弯设备的结构特点,建立了零点校正以及变形误差补偿模型,有效地解决了识别误差问题。

    The error of identification was analyzed , then the model of zero calibrate and error compensation was established , which combined with the structure characteristic of stretch bending machine and resolved the problem of identification error efficiently .

  27. 在测量领域中,传感器与测量电路一般都不可避免地存在残余电压与零点漂移,即零点误差。

    In the field of measurement , the sensors and circuits may inevitably cause residual voltage and zero drift called zero error .