
  • 网络container transport system
  1. 安全智能集装箱运输系统的概念及发展展望

    Analysis of the Secure and Smart Container Transport System and its Development

  2. 最后,提出改善深圳港集装箱运输系统客户满意度的建议和措施。

    Finally , we propose the suggestions and measures to improve the satisfaction degree of Shenzhen port container transport system .

  3. 集装箱运输系统ETL的设计与实现

    Design and Realize of Architecture of ETL for Information of Container Transport

  4. 华南地区集装箱运输系统发展探讨

    On Development of Container Transportation System in South China Area

  5. 大连市集装箱运输系统发展战略研究

    The Strategic Research on Development of Container Transportation System of Dalian City

  6. 珠江三角洲地区集装箱运输系统港口格局演变趋势分析

    Trend Analysis of Container Ports in Pearl Delta

  7. 集装箱运输系统的新变革

    A New Reform of Container Transportation System

  8. 上海港国际集装箱运输系统规划

    Scheme for Shanghai International Container Transportation System

  9. 利用地下集装箱运输系统进行港口集装箱运输是一个新概念。

    Underground Container Transportation System ( UCTS ) is a new concept for container transportation .

  10. 阐述了我国铁路十五计划的编制原则、特点和路网主骨架、西部铁路发展、快速客运系统建设、集装箱运输系统建设、既有铁路技术改造、运输安全设施保障体系、铁路信息化建设等主要内容。

    The compiling principles , features and main contents for the Tenth Five-year Plan of Chinese railways are elaborated .

  11. 论文界定了铁路集装箱运输系统,根据系统工程理论,对该系统的组成和各组成部分间的复杂关系进行了研究。

    According to the theory of systems engineering , this paper study on the components of railway container transportation system and the complex relation of these components .

  12. 港口之间的竞争已经成为整个供应链之间的竞争,在这一背景下,对集装箱运输系统进行系统探讨和研究变得十分必要。

    Competition between ports has already expanded to the entire supply chain which a certain port belongs to . Under this background , it is very essential to carry a research on container transport system .

  13. 十五期间,我国铁路集装箱运输系统建设的重点是强化广州、上海、成都等15个集装箱结点站,建成具有先进水平的特大型集装箱办理站。

    During the " 10th Five-Year Plan " period , China 's rail container transport system focused on strengthening the container terminals in Guangzhou , Shanghai , Chengdu and other 12 cities with advanced levels .

  14. 加快铁路集装箱运输系统发展已经刻不容缓,其中调整铁路集装箱场站布局就是重要任务之一。

    Such being the case , it becomes very essential to quicken then development of railway container transport and one of the important tasks is to improve the layout of the railway container yard and station .

  15. 因此,加强辽宁省沿海港口集装箱运输系统的建设,不仅是辽宁省社会、经济发展的需要,也是促进区域经济发展,扩大对外开放所必需的。

    Thus , strengthening the construction of container shipping systems in the province 's coastal ports is not only necessary for social and economic developments but also essential to the promotion of regional economic development and to opening wider to the outside world .

  16. 中国集装箱运输EDI系统的开发与建设探讨

    Development of EDI System of Container Transportation in DaLian of China

  17. 基于ACO的港口集装箱运输网络系统优化研究

    An Ant Colonies Optimization Model for Container Marine Transport System

  18. 本文介绍了一个EDI报文运作安全系统,以及它在国际集装箱运输EDI系统中的实现方法。

    This paper describes a security system for EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ) message delivery and how to build the example to be used in EDI of international container transportation .

  19. 基于信息技术的军用集装箱运输管理系统研究

    Research on Military Container Transport Management System Based on Information Technology

  20. 带装载量约束的物流配送车辆路径优化研究自动化集装箱码头运输系统配置的仿真优化

    Capacitated logistic distribution vehicle routing optimization Research of Simulation Optimization Technique on Equipment Allocation of Transportation System in Automatic Container Terminals

  21. 集装箱港口运输系统是一个复杂巨系统,涉及集装箱腹地、集装箱集疏运、集装箱港口、海运航线、船舶等诸多要素。

    Container port transportation system is one complicated huge system , which involves container hinterland , collect & dredge transportation , container port , shipping line , container vessel , etc. .

  22. 本论文着力针对全球区域经济间港口集装箱运输网络系统的最小费用流问题,研究运用现代优化方法来合理配置集装箱的跨洋运输。

    This paper , focusing on the problem of the minimum cost in the regional containers transport network , does research on modern optimal method to deploy the overseas container transportation reasonably .

  23. 一种新型的集装箱码头平面运输系统

    A New Type of Plane Transportation System in Container Terminal

  24. 构建集装箱综合运输网络系统方法研究

    Study on Construction Method of Container Comprehensive Transportation Network System

  25. 深圳港集装箱货源及运输系统状况分析和趋势预测

    Analysis and Forecast of the Container and Transport System in Shenzhen Port

  26. 介绍一个集装箱码头水平运输系统的设计方案。

    This paper introduces a scheme of plane transportation system in container terminals which is designed by the author .

  27. 本文从集装箱码头的运输系统入手,由基本概念引入到码头通过能力。

    This transport system from the container terminal to start from the basic concepts introduced to the terminal by capability .

  28. 最后,也指出了发展大连口岸集装箱运输电子商务系统所面临的紧迫问题,指出了它的发展前景。

    Finally , the paper also points out the urgent problems which we should face in the development of the EC system and predicts its bright future .

  29. 首先,论文阐述了集装箱码头水平运输系统的组成和特点,并通过与码头装卸工艺系统的比较,强调了其地位和作用。

    Firstly , the paper described the structure and character of horizontal transport system in container terminal , and emphasized its significance by compared with handling technology system .

  30. 香港特区继续与有关贸易伙伴合作,共同打击非法转运纺织品。也门共和国亚丁港集装箱中转站运输系统规划研究

    The HKSAR continued to co-operate with relevant trading partners with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of action taken to combat illegal transhipment of textiles . Research for Container Terminal Transportation System on Port of Aden , the Republic of Yemen