
  • 【医】aggregated structure
  1. 以纤维集合体结构工程(FASE)在服装织物设计的应用为例,简述了纺织品计算机设计逻辑要领和过程。

    In this paper , the concept and processing of computer-aided design logics of textile products are introduced , based on fibre-assem - bly-structure engineering ( FASE ) used in design of apparel fabrics .

  2. 纤维集合体结构对混纤型复合材料性能影响

    Influence of Fiber Assembly Structure on Mechanical Properties of Commingled Yarn Composites

  3. 这些化石形态和集合体结构表明可能是石化的甲烷氧化细菌和硫酸盐还原细菌。

    These microfossils displays the same form and aggregate structure that is characteristic of archaea / sulfate reducing bacteria colonies .

  4. 细观模型试图从材料的具有有限尺寸的离散颗粒集合体微结构描写其本构行为。

    In the microscopic scale , a discrete particle assembly model with finite size that characterizes the microstructure of granular material is adopted to the detection of its micro-mechanically-based constitutive behavior .

  5. 从涤纶纤维的形态结构设计、纱线结构设计及织物结构设计多重角度出发,研究纤维及其集合体的结构对织物吸、放湿性能的影响。

    The influence of the structure of fiber and it ′ s assembly on the hygroscopicity and moisture liberation properties of the fabric was studied in terms of the fiber morphology 、 yarn geometry and fabric structure design .

  6. 而无论是作为单一材料还是复合材料,其功能都与纤维集合体的多孔结构密切相关,如孔隙的形状、数量、大小分布等。

    Whether they are used as single or composite materials , their properties are related to their porosity structures , such as pore shape , pore size , pore quantity and pore size distribution and so on .

  7. 将现代系统理论和方法移植到德育教育系统,文章认为德育过程的结构&是一个由SPRT组合的运行有序的有机集合体(简称SPRT结构)。

    The opinion of paper is that the structure of process of moral education is an organic , well - funned aggregation , the combination of SPRT .