
  • 网络jacobson;Jakobson;Roman Jakobson;Arne Jacobsen
  1. 他们尽快协助他们的努力,雅各布森的创立面向对象的软件工程(OOSE)方法。

    Theywere soon assisted in their efforts by Ivar Jacobson , the creator ofthe object-oriented software engineering ( OOSE ) method .

  2. 雅各布森所在的这个消费者组织常对餐馆提供的食物进行批评。

    Jacobson 's group often criticizes at a variety of restaurant foods .

  3. 唯一的一粒进球是由雅各布森在下半场刚开始时打进的。

    The only goal was scored by Jakobsen early in the second half .

  4. 雅各布森得出的结论是基于对钐-147衰变成钕-143所作的分析。

    Jacobsen based his conclusion on an analysis of the decay of samarium-147 into neodymium-143 .

  5. 继而分析了雅各布森在研究诗性功能时所持的二分法原则。

    Then the dichotomy approach of Jakobson towards poetic function is analyzed .

  6. 雅各布森指出:“从根本上说,我们是在印制芯片。”

    " Essentially ," notes jacobson ," we 're trying to print chips . "

  7. 不过,雅各布森认为人们会选择因特网作为传输手段。

    Jacobson , though , thinks the Internet will be the delivery method of choice .

  8. 如果雅各布森能够成功,他便成了21世纪新型书籍的发明者。

    It Jacobson succeeds , he will have made the book for the 21st century .

  9. 2010年大学毕业前,雅各布森一直在为找工作而奔忙。

    Just prior to graduating college in 2010 , Jacobson was looking for a job .

  10. 不过,对于这种产品的批量生产,雅各布森充满信心。

    Jacobson is confident , however , that this can be done on a large scale .

  11. 雅各布森创立的结构主义诗学,是结构主义文论发展的前一阶段。

    Roman Jakobson 's structuralist poetics is the early stage in the development of structuralist literary theory .

  12. 针对文学批评家乔纳森·卡勒对雅各布森的批评,论文还对这两种结构主义诗学理论进行了比较研究。

    Based on the criticism of literary critic Jonathan Culler , this dissertation compares the two structuralist poetics involved .

  13. 雅各布森说,无论企业是否参与,这些网络互动都会发生。

    These types of online interactions , Mr. Jacobson said , would happen irrespective of a brand 's participation .

  14. 扎格尼斯是2004年(雅典奥运会)佩剑金牌得主。此次,她以15比8击败银牌得主萨达-雅各布森。

    Zagunis , the2004 saber champion , took the gold with a15-8 victory over Sada Jacobson who took the silver .

  15. 在雅各布森述说的怪异故事中,门格勒利用外科手术将一些儿童的外貌改造成类似外星人的样子。

    In the bizarre tale recounted by Jacobsen , Mengele surgically altered a group of children to look like space aliens .

  16. 我调查并核对了两年前采访中那个工程师对我说的每件事,雅各布森说。

    I researched and fact-checked everything that he told me in our interviews which took place over two years , Jacobsen said .

  17. 随着争抢零售商货架空间的战斗不断升级,行业合并也无止无息(雅各布森,1999)。

    Consolidation in the industry will continue as the battle for leverage with retailers for shelf space intensifies ( Jacobson , 1999 ) .

  18. 现在生产的纸是单张长条形的,雅各布森仍在研究电子油墨同纸生产流程相统一的最佳方法。

    Paper is produced in long sheets , and Jacobson is still working on the best method to integrate electronic ink into that process .

  19. 雅各布森指出语言具有六大功能,其中强调语言的诗学功能最具有创新意义。

    Jakobson points out that the language has six functions , one of the most innovative theories is to emphasize the poetic function of language .

  20. 雅各布森将语言学与诗学结合起来进行研究,可说是对语言学的一大贡献。

    In putting forward the theory of poetic function , Jakobson combines linguistics with poetics , which is one of his important contributions to linguistics .

  21. 在很多与该基地活动相关的、之前被列为机密的文件中,51区一词悉数被涂黑,雅各布森说。

    In many previously classified documents relating to activities at the base , the words ' Area 51 ' are conveniently blacked out , Jacobsen said .

  22. 雅各布森在其《语言学于诗学》中提到了有趣的一点,即我们偶尔会撞上声音起作用的情况,由此可能引发意外的结果。

    Jakobson has an interesting point in Linguistics and Poetics about that moment when we 're nearby and an accident takes place or something like that .

  23. 访问期间,莎丽?雅各布森博士参观了原外教公寓、南北校园、博览园等。

    During her stay , Doctor Sari Jacob visited the original apartment building for foreign teacher , North and South Campuses , Museum Garden and so forth .

  24. 莎丽?雅各布森博士感谢学校的热情接待,表示这次能够重回学校访问了却了多年的心愿。

    Doctor Sari Jacob thanked for the warm reception of A F and expressed that she finally made her wish of visiting A F again come true .

  25. 雅各布森说,餐馆完全有时间主动向顾客提供食物中如热量、肪和盐等营养成分的含量。但很多餐馆都没有做到这一点。

    Jacobson said restaurants have had more than enough time to voluntarily provide nutritional data such as calorie , fat and salt content but many do not .

  26. 在她的书中,雅各布森暗示,1947年坠毁的并不是引发了数十年天外来客争论的外星飞船。

    In her book , Jacobsen suggests it wasn 't an alien spaceship that came down in 1947 , sparking decades of speculation of visitors from the stars .

  27. 雅各布森干了大概六个月的销售顾问后就被提拔为销售指导,专门负责培训新员工。

    About six months after starting as a sales consultant , Jacobson was promoted to a sales mentor , a job that allowed her to help train new hires .

  28. “这种做法的确有效”,雅各布森说,“但第二个人费了半天劲也只是让头和肩膀的一部分通过了铁栅栏。”

    " It was a good effort ," Jacobsen said . " But all he did was get his head and part of his shoulder through the bars . "

  29. 然而,相对于他的贡献而言,国内外对他的研究还很不够,尤其是国内对雅各布森语言学诗学理论尚无系统深入的研究。

    However , compared with his contributions , there is not sufficient research on his theories both home and abroad ; and a lack of a systematic study of his linguistic poetics particularly exists in China .

  30. 尽管阴谋论者和飞碟爱好者一直以来都宣称并且希冀截获的飞碟和俘获的外星人就被关押在该区域,雅各布森称,秘密飞行器实际上是对截获的前苏联的米格喷气式战斗机的反向工程研究。

    While conspiracy theorists and UFO devotees have long claimed and hoped that captured alien spacecraft are housed at the base , Jacobsen claims the secret craft were actually reverse - engineered from a captured Soviet MiG fighter jet .