
  1. 为验证ANP评价模型的科学性以及合理性,以雁荡山世界地质公园为主要研究对象,并以黄山、庐山和泰宁世界地质公园作为其比较研究对象,对地质公园旅游竞争力进行实证研究。

    In order to verify the ANP evaluation model is scientific and reasonable or not , the paper taking the Yandang world geological park as the main research objects and Huangshan , Lushan Mountain and Taining world Geopark as a comparative object to study .

  2. 乐清北雁荡山种子植物区系的研究

    Studies on the Flora of the North Yandang Mountain in Yueqing

  3. 北雁荡山建为避暑兼避寒胜地的探讨

    Study on Building North Yandang Mountain into Summer and Winter Resort

  4. 北雁荡山风景区的旅游气候优势

    Tourism Climatic Superiority over Scenic Spots in the North Yandang Mountains

  5. 雁荡山畲族民俗风情园

    Folk - custom Garden of She Nationality , Yandang Mountain

  6. 雁荡山鸟类资源及保护利用意见

    Conservation and Utilization Advices of the Bird Resource in the Yandang Mountains

  7. 雁荡山矿泉水的开发研究与工艺设计

    The Development Research of Yan-Dang Mineral Water and Technological Design

  8. 雁荡山本身没有问题。

    There was nothing wrong with the hill in question .

  9. 天造地设的孪生姐妹雁荡山与长屿-方山地质公园

    Twin sisters created by nature geoparks of Yandang Mountain and changyu-fangshan mountain

  10. 雁荡山风景区环境质量评价与污染防治对策

    Environmental Quality Assessment and Controling Countermeasures of Pollution in Yandang Mountain Beauty Spot

  11. 雁荡山因其屏障般的山峰,洞穴,和瀑布而闻名。

    Yandang Mountain is famous for its screen-like peaks , caves and waterfalls .

  12. 雁荡山特大桥叠合拱钢构件加工技术

    Processing Technology of Composite Arches Steel Members for the Yandang Mountains Grand Bridge

  13. 雁荡山风景名胜区旅游客源市场研究

    A Research on Tourist Market of Yandang Scenic Area

  14. 第四章分析了雁荡山旅游业发展所存在的问题及所面临的机遇。

    Chapter Four analyzes the existing problems and opportunities faced by Yandang Scenic Area .

  15. 那是雁荡山的空中杂技表演。

    That 's a midair acrobatic performance .

  16. 是啊,这里倒是让我想起了雁荡山的大龙湫。

    Yeah , it reminds me of the Huge Dragon Waterfall of the Yandang Mountains .

  17. 雁荡山奇峰怪石,飞瀑流泉,充满天然韵味,为笔墨难以形容。

    Yandangshan Qifeng rocks , waterfalls Nagareizumi , full of natural flavor , for ink indescribable .

  18. 乐清山水形胜,拥有雁荡山、乐清湾、七里港等三大资源优势。

    Yueqing landscape shaped wins , with Yandang , Yueqing Bay , Qiligang three major resource advantages .

  19. 刚才他们在辩论是到普陀山去还是到雁荡山去。

    They were debating whether to go to the Mount Putuo or the Mount Yandang just now .

  20. 本文试从全球火山(岩)带同类地质遗迹的视域考量雁荡山地质遗迹的科学价值。

    Through comparing with other similar geologic heritages of global volcanic belts , its scientific value is evaluated .

  21. 大龙湫瀑布举世闻名,是雁荡山泉瀑流水之最。

    Da Long Pool is well known in the world and is the most beautiful one in Yan Dang Mountain .

  22. 杨和岳先生出生在风景佳丽的雁荡山麓,自幼承受大自然熏萌发绘画的志向。

    Yang Heyue was born at the foot of beautiful Yandang Mountain . From hischildhood , nature was his inspiration .

  23. 现代地质学研究表明,雁荡山是一座具有世界意义的典型的白垩纪流纹质古火山&破火山。

    Modern geology studies have shown that Hill is a world with a sense of typical Cretaceous rhyolitic ancient volcano-caldera .

  24. 雁荡山是温州旅游业的主导产品,其发展对于温州旅游业而言有着举足轻重的作用。

    As the main tourism product in Wenzhou , the tourism development of Yandang Mountain is critical to Wenzhou tourism industry .

  25. 特产有雁茗、香鱼、观音竹、金星草、山乐官鸟,称雁荡五珍。

    There are specialty Yan Ming , sweet , Guanyin Zhu , Venus grass , birds hiking official , said five tells Jane .

  26. 去年夏天在浙江,喝杨梅酒,品雁荡山,游楠溪江,今年的夏天我在哪?

    Last summer in Zhejiang , drank red bayberry wine , tasted Yandangshan , swam Naxi River , this year 's summer where am I ?

  27. 雁荡山位于浙江省温州市北部,方圆460平方公里,拥有550多个景点。

    Located to the north of Wenzhou , Zhejiang Province and covering an area of 460 square kilometers , Yandang Mountain encompasses over 550 scenic sights .

  28. 从雁荡山到中雁荡山,它们呈南北走势,联袂构成了一条国内少有的旅游画廊,处处风流,妙处难以言说。

    From Yandangshan to medium Yandangshan , they are north-south trend , moving in unison constitute a rare tour of domestic galleries , everywhere Merry , unspeakable beauty .

  29. 雁湖位于雁荡山顶,又名平湖,雁荡之名取自「雁之所栖,山之所以名也」。

    Yan Lake is located at the top of Yan Dang Mountain and also named Ping Lake ; the name Yan Dang is derived from the perches of wild gooses .

  30. 有鉴于此,希望有关方面应在严格保护、统一管理、合理开发、永续利用的原则下保存雁荡,各尽其能。

    According to this , efforts should be made to save Yandang Mountain from damage under the principle of strict protection , integrate management , reasonable exploitation and sustainable utilization .