
  • 网络refractory ore;Refractory iron ore
  1. 低铜高硫难选矿石选矿工艺试验研究

    Experimental Investigation of Processing of Low Cu and High S Refractory Ore

  2. 随着多金属难选矿石处理量的增多以及对精矿质量要求的日益提高,无氰工艺中无氰抑制剂的地位和作用越来越突出,因此,本文对无氰抑制剂的作用机理进行了研究。

    With the handling capacity of polymetallic refractory ore and requirement of ore concentrate grow day and day , non-cyanide depressant status and functions are becoming more and more outstanding in cyanide technology .

  3. 含砷金矿属难选矿石。

    It is difficult to concentrate for Arsenical gold Mineral .

  4. 矿石属于微细粒难选矿石。

    The ore belongs to micro-grained and fine-grained ore which is hard to be separated .

  5. 高磷低锰难选矿石除磷提高锰矿品位试验研究

    About separating phosphorus and refining manganese mineral assay experiment with hardly separated high phosphorus low manganese ore

  6. 由此导出两步浮选法的构想,提出铜、锌均两步浮选法。文中还阐述了用两步铜锌浮选法处理这种难选矿石的实验室研究和工业实践,结果令人满意。

    Therefore , a new concept of two-step flotation process to treat this refractory Cu-Zn-Fe sulphide ore is formulated .

  7. 复杂难选矿石选矿技术及选矿工艺的研究对提高我国铁矿资源综合利用率具有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , research on separation for complex iron ores has an important practical significance on improving comprehensive utilization of domestic iron ore resources .

  8. 云南某铁矿石铁品位低,矿物嵌布粒度复杂,有害元素磷含量高,属难选矿石。

    Yunnan a siderite ore is a refractory one due to its low grade and its complex mineral dissemination particle sizes and its high content of phosphorus .

  9. 综上可知,此矿石矿物组成复杂,性质特殊,属极难选矿石。

    To sum up we know , the mineral component of this ore is complex , and the property is special , so it is difficult to separate .

  10. 广西某风化壳型钛铁矿床,因其矿石杂质含磷高,主要矿石矿物钛铁矿与钒磁铁矿具镶嵌结构,属难选矿石。

    In a certain ilmenite deposit in weathering crust of Guangxi , the ilmenite ore contains much phosphorus in impurity , and the main ore minerals , ilmenite and coulsonite constitute mosaic tecture .

  11. 本试验研究针对矿山低品位的难选矿石,寻找到一种既能保护环境又能从低品位矿石中回收合格硫铁矿精矿的成本低、工艺简单的回收新技术。

    This test aims to find out a low-cost and simple new recovery technology , which can not only protect environment but also recycle qualified pyrite concentrate , for the refractory low-grade mine ores .

  12. 对于难以提高钼精矿质量的难选钼矿石,对产出的低品位钼精矿用POX法处理生产工业气化钼,以提高钼资源的利用率。

    The POX process is used to handle refractory molybdenum ore and the molybdenum concentrate with low grade so as to produce industrial molybdenum oxide . Thus , utilization rate of molybdenum resources can be increased .

  13. 某难选钼矿矿石性质及选矿实验研究

    Study on mineral properties and dressing experimental of difficultly-dressed molybdenum mineral

  14. 某难选含金矿石的载体浮选研究

    A study on the carrier flotation of refractory gold ore

  15. 化学选矿是处理难选磷矿石的有效方法。

    Chemical beneficiation is an effective method for treating refractory phosphate ores .

  16. 煤种对某难选铁矿石直接还原的影响

    Effects of Different Types of Coal on Direct Reduction of Refractory Iron Ore

  17. 难选磷矿石的化学选矿研究

    Study on Chemical Beneficiation of Refractory Phosphate Ores

  18. 处理难选金矿石的试验研究

    The test study of beneficiation refractory gold ores

  19. 超临界水氧化法选冶难选金矿石的影响因素研究

    Study on Factors Affecting Dressing and Smelting of Refractory Gold Ore by Supercritical Water Oxidation

  20. 阐述了采用浮选&硫脲炭浸一步法处理铜硫砷含量高的某难选金矿石的工艺。

    This paper introduces in detail the flotation thiourea leaching process for a sort of gold mine .

  21. 磷酸和磷酸钠对氯氧镁水泥强度的影响及机理分析嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌对含磷难选铁矿石的脱磷研究

    Effects of phosphoric acid and sodium phosphate on strength of magnesium oxychloride cement and its mechanics analysis

  22. 含铜胶状黄铁矿矿石是十分难选的矿石,铜浮选指标很低。

    Copper-bearing colloidal pyrite ore is a refractory ore. The metallurgical performances of copper flotation are very low .

  23. 本文介绍了吉林省某金矿难选冶矿石提金工艺结果。

    In this paper , the technology of extracting gold from refractory ores in a gold mine of Jinn province is introduced .

  24. 同时论述了焙烧氧化、热压氧化、生物氧化和化学氧化等难选冶矿石预处理技术的现状及发展趋势。

    It also presents recent status and prospects of pretreatment processes such as roasting , pressure oxidation , biooxidation and chemical pretreatment .

  25. 黑刺沟金矿石经岩矿鉴定及工艺矿物学研究,确定为典型的含砷、含硫微细粒难选冶金矿石。

    After determined by process mineralogy , Heicigou gold ore is defined as a refractory finely gold ore containing arsenic and sulphur .

  26. 会理难选铅锌矿石电位调控抑锌浮铅优先浮选新工艺

    Novel Pb-Zn Separation Process of Pb Preferential Flotation with Zinc Depressing by Potential Controlled Flotation for Intricate Pb-Zn Sulphide Ore from Huili Lead-zinc Mine

  27. 黔西南金矿金以超显微粒状分布于黄铁矿、含砷黄铁矿、毒砂等硫化物中,是典型的难选冶矿石。

    Au in the gold ores in southwestern Guizhou takes the shape of ultramicron , distributed in the sulfides of pyrite and arsenopyrite , etc.

  28. 对金呈细粒浸染状嵌布的含砷、含铜难选金矿石进行了细菌脱砷、脱硫、脱铜的试验研究。

    In this paper , the experimental studies of removing arsenic , sulfur and copper from disseminated fine-grained gold ore by way of bacterial leaching were made .

  29. 系统地研究了压热氧化预处理贵州某难选冶金矿石工艺条件中碱性介质选取及用量对金浸出率的影响。

    In this paper , the effect of different alkali and concentration on gold extraction in the technology of pretreatment of refractory gold ores by alkaline hot-press oxidation was studied .

  30. 某难选铜硫矿石的选矿试验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Dressing of Refractory Sulfur-bearing Copper Ore