
  • 网络hard problem;Intractable Problem
  1. 多用户检测技术的最优解在常规条件下是一个NP难解问题,利用量子态的并行计算特性以及量子态检测等理论,量子多用户检测技术能够有效地获得多用户检测的最优解。

    The optimal solution for the conventional multi-user detection is a NP hard problem . The quantum multi-user detection ( QMUD ) which based on quantum mechanics can solve this problem efficiently .

  2. 此外,收费员排班是一个整数规划问题,而整数规划属于典型的NP难解问题,本文采用了基于遗传规划的整数线性规划问题求解方法来解决收费员排班问题。

    In addition , the job scheduling of toll collector is an integer programming problem , and integer programming is a kind of typical NP hard problem which is solved usually by genetic algorithm ( GA ) .

  3. Packing和Matching问题是一类重要的NP难解问题,在调度、代码优化等领域有着重要的应用。

    Packing and Matching problems form an important class of NP-hard problems , which have great applications in the fields of scheduling and code optimization .

  4. 投资组合最优化问题是一个NP难解问题,通常的方法很难使其达到全局最优。

    Portfolio optimization problem is an NP problem , and it is very difficult to reach the global optimum in a common method .

  5. 经典的多用户检测技术,其求解最优解的时间复杂度为O(2n),这是一个NP难解问题。

    The time ′ s complexity to find an optimal solution is O ( 2 ~ n ) in classic multi-user detection .

  6. 而计算智能算法的主要应用对象是优化问题的难解问题,也就是优化理论中的NP问题。

    The main application area of the computational intelligence methods is the hard solved problems in the optimization , namely the non-deterministic polynomial ( NP ) problems .

  7. 作为求解NP难解问题的一种新途径,参数计算方法受到了人们的广泛关注,并被应用到诸多领域难解问题的求解中。

    As a new method solving NP-hard problems , parameter computation method has attracted lots of attention , and has been used to solve hard problems in many fields .

  8. DNA计算以其海量存储和并行运算能力,被认为是解决NP完全问题和其它难解问题的潜在方案之一。

    As DNA computing affords a number of useful properties such as massive parallelism and a huge memory capacity , thus it is believed to be a potential solution to NP-Complete and other difficult mathematical problems .

  9. 排课问题实际上是时间表优化的问题,由于其超大的求解规模和众多的约束条件,是运筹学领域和计算机领域一直致力寻求解决但没有得到解决的NP难解问题。

    Timetable problem with large scale and numerous constraints is a NP-hard problem which many ( researchers ) in the operational research and computer fields have been dedicated to resolve but have not found a best solution .

  10. 讨论翻转距离星树问题,证明实例中有向符号序列个数为9时,翻转距离星树问题是NP难解问题,并给出了一个该问题的多项式时间近似算法。

    The problem of the reversal distance between genomes on star-trees is discussed . It is proved that if the instance has 9 sequences given , the problem of the reversal distance on star-trees must be NP-hard . A polynomial approximation algorithm for the problem is given .

  11. 黑白旅行商问题(BWTSP)是近年来出现的新NP-难解问题,根据图中边是否对称可以分为无向BWTSP和有向BWTSP两种。

    The black and white salesman problem ( BWTSP ) is a new NP-hard problem , which can be divided into the undirected BWTSP and the directed BWTSP according to the symmetry of edges in graph .

  12. 点覆盖问题是一个重要的有实际意义的难解问题。

    Point covering problem is hard to solve with great actual value .

  13. 这些算法主要是解决优化问题中的难解问题。

    They are mainly applied to solve difficult optimization problems .

  14. 该研究使多参数路由选择难解问题得到了一个较好的解决。

    The study has well solved the problem of multiple route selection .

  15. 论文介绍了类型重建中的基本问题,并针对一些难解问题提出了重建算法。

    This paper describes some basic questions about type reconstruction , and proposes some algorithms .

  16. 混合整数非线性规划问题为一类富有挑战性的难解问题。

    MINLP ( Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming ) problems are challenging and difficult to solve .

  17. 20世纪80年代出现的模拟退火算法、遗传算法等为开端的现代优化方法,是以优化问题中的难解问题为主要应用对象。

    Begin with the methods such as Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing in 1980s , modern optimization technique mainly used for NP-hard problems in optimization problems .

  18. 在对目前已有证书状态发布方案分析的基础上,本文提出基于二次剩余难解问题的证书撤销状态发布方案。

    Following the analysis of the existing certificate revocation schemes , we propose a new certificate revocation scheme based the difficulty of resolving the Quadratic Residues problem .

  19. 并在随机预言模型下基于CDHP难解问题,利用环签名分叉引理证明了新方案的签名不可伪造性。

    Using ring signature forking lemma , we also prove it is unforgeable in random oracle model . A basic model of a strong designated verifier ring signature is given .

  20. 辫子群是一种新兴的适用于量子计算机时代的公钥密码平台,辫子群上已知的用于公钥密码系统的一些难解问题和基于这些难解问题的公钥加密算法都受到不同程度的攻击。

    Braid group is a new considerable public key cryptography platform for the quantum computer ages , but almost all current intractable braid problems used for public key cryptosystems are flawy .

  21. 为了化简约束满足问题的规模、有效地处理大规模难解问题,从求解算法的角度研究弧相容技术。

    In order to reduce CSPs ( Constraint Satisfaction Problems ) to deal with large and hard problems effectively , we study arc consistency techniques from an algorithm point of view .

  22. 装箱问题是经典的组合优化问题之一,它作为一种最早研究的NP-难解问题和复杂性理论的研究平台,为其它NP-难解问题的研究提供了诸多借鉴。

    Bin Packing Problem ( BPP ) is one of the most famous combinatorial optimization problems . And as one of the earliest studied NP-hard problem , it works as a research platform for the complexity theory and gives director to other NP-hard problems .

  23. 糟糕政策结果更主要的原因是碰到复杂难解问题时所犯下的诚实错误而不是出于恶劣动机因此华盛顿最大的力量来自于观念以及准备将这些观念付诸行动的人根据我的观察公共服务并不容易

    Honest error in the face of complex and possibly intractable problems is a far more important source of bad results than are bad motives For these reasons , the greatest forces in Washington are ideas and people prepared to act on those ideas Public service , as I discovered , is not easy

  24. 在J2EE中,由于部署单元几乎都是自治的,所以这并不是一个什么难解的问题。

    In Java EE where deployment units are mostly autonomous archives , this is not as difficult a problem to solve .

  25. 我每星期的钱都到哪去了是一个难解的问题。

    It 's a puzzle where all my money goes each week .

  26. 不幸的是,我们在这样做时碰到了一些纠缠难解的问题。

    Unfortunately , we ran into a bit of a kink doing this .

  27. 大火的起因对警察来说是个难解的问题。

    It 's a puzzle to the police what caused the big fire .

  28. 布鲁塞尔彼此矛盾的冲动表明,中国为遭受危机重创的欧洲提出了一个越来越难解的问题。

    Brussels ' conflicting impulses illustrate the growing conundrum posed by China for crisis-hit Europe .

  29. 电信号有一个难解的问题,就是当其沿着金属导线传送时,信号会变得越来越弱。

    The problem with electrical signals is that they get weaker and weaker as they travel along metal wires .

  30. 难解的问题我问我的同事是否喜欢他女儿送他的衬衣。

    I asked a colleague of mine how he liked the shirt his daughter had given him as a gift .