
yǐn xìnɡ tū biàn
  • recessive mutation
  1. 修饰基因的隐性突变可以消除柱头中的SI反应。

    A recessive mutation of the modifier ( m ) gene eliminates the SI response in stigma .

  2. 通过与正常型和各连锁群标志基因系杂交,进行遗传分析和连锁检索,结果:h斑油为第20连锁群的隐性突变;

    Crosses were made between the mutant and the normal type or the lines with the marker genes for various linkage groups to study its genetics and linkage . The results showed that mottled translucent oh resulted from a recessive mutation in the 20th linage group .

  3. 与o2系亲本相比,在9个双隐性突变家系中,有7个家系的赖氨酸含量表现出不同的增量,平均增加约6%。

    The lysine content of seven families among nine double recessive mutant families showed different increments , with an average increase of some 6 % compared with that of the maternal o2 line .

  4. 经由回交之后的遗传分析结果显示,ret41为单一隐性突变株。

    Genetic analysis indicates that ret41 is a single allele recessive mutation .

  5. eil是新发现的高温诱导叶片出斑的拟南芥突变体,遗传分析表明该突变体是核遗传单基因隐性突变的纯合体。

    A new Arabidopsis mutant eil , whose phenotype showed some lesions on leaves induced by high temperature , was found . The genetic analysis showed that the eil mutant was a homozygote of recessive single gene mutation .

  6. 甜玉米主要是由普通玉米胚乳基因隐性突变引起的。

    Sweet maize is mainly caused by conceal mutation of common maize endosperm gene .

  7. 研究发现:(1)低植酸突变为一隐性突变性状,此突变为单隐性基因突变;

    The low phytic acid mutation with mutant IR-lp1 is a recessive trait controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene .

  8. 被认为是无效等位基因的这些隐性突变都存在节间伸长缺陷。

    All of these recessive mutations , which are considered to be null alleles , exhibit defects in internode elongation .

  9. 通过正反交试验表明,大豆叶绿素缺失突变属于核基因隐性突变,而且是由一隐性单基因所控制的。

    The experiments of cross and back cross showed that these mutations were belonged to recessive mutation of nucleus gene and controlled by a recessive monogene .

  10. 通过突变体与正常中花11杂交和回交试验,证明这2个黄叶突变体均为单基因隐性突变。

    Through genetic analysis of crossing and back-crossing between the mutants and Zhonghua 11 , the result showed that the two yellow mutations were recessive mutation controlled by one gene .

  11. 通过辐射照射种子以后,会产生各种性状的突变,而且各种性状的突变频率不一样,而且多数为隐性突变,其显性突变频率更低。

    After radiation the seeds will engender some mutations in some characters . Mutants appears at different frequency when the seeds are radiated . Most mutations are recessive , while the dominant mutation frequency is definitely low .

  12. 果蝇伴性隐性致死突变试验中芥子碱的辐射保护作用

    Radiation protection effects of sinapine on Drosophila melanogaster in a sex-linked recessive lethal test system

  13. 水稻隐性高秆突变的遗传研究

    Studies on recessive tall mutants in Rice

  14. 遗传分析表明,这两个突变体表现为等位的隐性单基因突变,对这两种除草剂的敏感是同一个基因突变的效应。

    Genetic analysis showed that both mutants were controlled by a single recessive gene , and the sensitivities to bentazon and sulfonylurea were controlled by the same gene .

  15. 到目前为止,对半矮秆水稻的隐性高秆突变已有不少报道,至于半矮秆水稻的显性高秆突变,国内外尚未见报道。

    Until now , some rice recessive long culm mutants from the semidwarf varieties have been reported , but there has been no report on the dominant long culm mutant .

  16. 遗传分析表明该突变体表型为隐性单核基因突变所致。

    Genetic analysis indicated that it is controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene .