
suí suí biàn biàn
  • be rather casual;an offhand manner;be careless about things;casually
随随便便[suí suí biàn biàn]
  1. 但是,你不是一个随随便便就对别人撒谎的人。

    But , you 're not the kind of person to casually go around lying to people .

  2. 就这样粗枝大叶随随便便地乱丢?

    Just casually strewn about in that reckless haphazard manner ?

  3. 他对待什么事情都随随便便。

    He takes a casual attitude towards everything .

  4. 这工作做得随随便便。

    The work was done all anywhere .

  5. 对工作不能随随便便,要认真负责。

    Don 't do your work in a slipshod manner . You should be conscientious and have a sense of responsibility .

  6. 别把所有的衣服随随便便塞进那个手提包里。

    Don 't bundle all the clothes into that bag so carelessly .

  7. 把到手的东西就这样随随便便弄掉

    You 're faced with ending it all , of squandering what was given .

  8. 在40岁前,我大多给自己买打折的童装GapKids(加大号),随随便便地穿在身上。

    Until I was 40 , I used to dress myself mainly in clothes bought from the sale rail at Gap Kids ( size XL ) and slung them on carelessly .

  9. 如果你选择了一个有问题的目标(瓶装水)并随随便便制造出一个重要的政策困境(环境vs健康),那么“轻推”将不会解决你的问题。

    If you pick a questionable target ( bottled water ) and fudge a key policy dilemma ( the environment vs health ) then nudging isn 't going to solve your problems .

  10. Tonya你不能随随便便跟别人说咱们家的事

    Tonya , you just can 't around telling our business !

  11. 这对我来说简直是历史重演,但我还是又一次耐心地解释说,他不能把这样一个有1963年芝加哥熊队签名的NFL标准的纯皮橄榄球拿到外面去随随便便地到处乱扔。

    It seemed like I 'd been through this before , but I patiently explained , once again , that you don 't just go out and throw around an all leather , NFL regulation , 1963 Chicago Bears inscribed football .

  12. 但中国可不是随随便便哪个国家,特别不是东亚和东南亚,那儿几乎break-neck(断脖子?)的经济增长率和成熟的军事体系可能洒下一大片长长的阴影。

    But China is not just any country , particularly not in East and Southeast Asia , where its break-neck economic growth and maturing military might cast a large and long shadow .

  13. 没有事情随随便便发生,都是计划的一部分。

    Nothing just happens , it 's all part of a plan .

  14. 我们决不能随随便便就以为人家在有意伤害我们。

    We must not be so ready to fancy ourselves intentionally injured .

  15. 车可不是随随便便就搞得到的。

    Cars ain 't exactly growing on trees out here .

  16. 我们这样随随便便说出的一切倒很可能是真的呢。

    Everything we 've been so glibly spouting may well be true .

  17. 我不会因你这么随随便便一说就相信。

    I 'm not going to believe it just on your say-so .

  18. 第三,随随便便地使用神的名。

    And , thirdly , casualness in the use of the name .

  19. 把到手的东西就这样随随便便弄掉。他随便花女朋友的钱。

    He made free with all his girl-friend 's money .

  20. 他把工具随随便便往箱子里一扔。

    He dumped the tools in the box just anyway .

  21. 他让人随随便便地把头砍了下来。

    He had his head cut off without much ceremony .

  22. 她随随便便地穿着短裤和t恤衫。

    She was dressed casually in shorts and a t-shirt .

  23. 许多随随便便借钱的人现在面临着严重的经济困难。

    Many people who borrowed money incautiously now face severe financial difficulties .

  24. 恋爱的开头都是随随便便&某人对某人发生点儿好感,本是极其自然的一回事;

    We can all begin freely & a slight preference is natural enough ;

  25. 当然了,赠品也不是随随便便送的老一套赠品。

    And , of course , it can 't be any old gift .

  26. 如果不问是非,随随便便就听从,恐怕对于两个人全不能算是一种恭维吧。

    To yield without conviction is no compliment to the understanding of either .

  27. 但我想让你们知道,随随便便不会成功。

    But I want you to realize that success doesn 't come easily .

  28. 他们之间保持着一种随随便便、互开玩笑、打情骂俏的关系。

    They maintain an easy , joking , flirtatious relationship with one another .

  29. 我不想随随便便找个男朋友。

    I don 't want to get a boyfriend for the wrong reason .

  30. 国际危机从来不是随随便便爆发的。

    International crises never flare up at random .