- ceramsite;ceramicite;haycite

Experimental study and theoretical analysis of fracture parameters k_ ( ic ) and ctod_ ( ic ) of ceramsite reinforced concrete and ordinary reinforced concrete
In the early stage of biofilm formation , larger particle ceramsite BAF achieves a better removal efficiency on COD which reaches stability faster .
The Bacteria of Film on Ceramist and COD , TN Removal Rate
Research on CIMS architecture of clay enterprise
The AF system filled with the ceramsites forms film completely in 8 days .
SEM analysis indicates that two kinds of ceramisite have good adsorption properties with high specific surface area , rougher surfaces and porous .
Small particle ceramsite showed a better shock-resistant capability than the large one .
An experimental investigation on purification of BTEX waste gas was conducted in a biofilter packed with ceramic pellets .
By combining the characteristic of clay enterprise , the CIMS architecture of clay industry is researched and the functions of each subsystem among the architecture are introduced in detail .
Two mixture media , viz . A ( a mixture of ceramic grain and activated carbon ) and B ( a mixture of the zeolites and activated carbon ) were used by the authors ( with studying t ) heir feasibility of remedying the leachate polluted groundwater .
The physical and chemical properties of homemade light granular ceramics and the effects of the domestic sewerage treatment by biological aerated filter ( BAF ) were studied .
Comparison study on biological deodorizations of hydrogen sulfide ( H_2S ) was conducted by using activated carbon ; pumice ; ceramics pellet and ceramics ring as carrier in trickled-bed biofilter respectively .
TTC-dehydrogenase activity in the biological reactor of ceramic media column was in a regular pattern of gradient distribution from the upper to the lower along the direction of water flow ;
It was shown that the removal rate of COD Mn and NH + 4 N decreased from 20 % to 6 % , 90 % to 65 % respectively when the temperature fell from 10 ℃ to 0 5 ℃ .
The experimental results being consistent with SEM , EDS and FTIR results , the lipophilic and hydrophilic differences of walnut shell , magnetite and ceramic sand could be ascribed to the differences of their surface physical chemistry structures .
The wetlands system was operated continuously with a hydraulic retention time of 3 days . The result shows that detritus had the highest P adsorption values , followed by shale ceramsite and zeolite . Their phosphorus removal efficiencies are 95 % , 60 % and 35 % respectively .
Compared with the commercial hydrophobic solutions and waterproof paints , the solution ZH has the best effect on reducing the water absorption of expanded shale .
XRD analysis indicates that the slime ceramsite and the mixed burning ceramsite with the crystal structure of oxide and silicate structures , the main crystals are quartz ( SiO2 ) and also contains a small amount of heavy metal compounds .
In the application of lifting aeration activity filter to handle wastewater , we studied the activated carbon and ceramsite carrier biodegradability ; degradation of COD , nitrogen characteristics ; variation characteristics of PH. And analyzed the backwash effect of filter and biological carrier biological phase .
Suggestions on producing hollow concrete ceramisite slab by JQT press
The study shows that magnetizing water and CON A gas-lift water-reducing agent have a remarkable influence on haydite concrete .
Based on the characteristics of the wastewater from white spirit distilleries , UASB_SBR_ceramsite_filtration process was selected for the treatment of the wastewater .
And the cinder has the highest BOD5 removal efficiency , the average removal efficiency is 84.82 % . The following are bio-ceramic , detritus , concrete blocks and bricks on the removal effect of BOD5 .
The results obtained showed that the COD and NH3-N removal effects for treating secondary effluent were equivalent approximately between domestic spherical bio-ceramic and BIOLITES in this test , thus domestic media can substitute for the import media completely .
Meanwhile , domestic spherical bio-ceramic has great advantage over BIOLITES in operation , such as long running cycle and easy backwashing , and so on .
The experiment reaches a conclusion that : When using spherical expanded clay as the media , the factors that can influence the performance of BAF are : the media height the ratio of gas to liquid hydraulic load and organic load .
When added both shale and fly ash with dosage of 5 % , the particle strength and apparent density of ceramisite is 690N and 1107 kg / m3 respectively .
This resin coated sand particles possessed excellent properties , such as lower density and acid solubility , better resistane to crushing , as well as higher short term flow conductivity compared with traditional ceramsite proppant (( 52 MPa )) .
The Study of boron sludge ceramisite fibre concrete building wall slab
Study of alkali-aggregate reaction in lightweight concrete by AC Impedance Technique