
  • 网络David;david tao;melody
  1. 陶喆和妻子Penny在去年7月结婚。

    David Tao and his wife Penny Jiang got married in July last year .

  2. 周杰伦:现在很多歌手也开始拍MV,陶喆(听歌)也说他想当导演。

    Jay : Nowadays a lot of singers are starting to film MVs , David Tao has said he wants to be a director .

  3. 陶喆是金曲奖得主,还因创建交叉体裁的R&B而著名,硬摇滚曲调已经成为他的签名风格,他使R&B音乐曲调在华语乐坛得以闻名。

    Tao is a Golden Melody Award-winner and is well known for creating a crossover genre of R & B and hard rock tunes which has now become his signature style and for having popularized R & B in the Mandopop industry .

  4. 呵呵,希望我的手指能快点好吧。加油,陶喆!

    Oh , I hope that my fingers can quickly OK .

  5. 歌手陶喆在新闻发布会上承认自己有婚外情。

    Singer David Tao admits to having an extramarital affair in press conference .

  6. 陶喆:新音乐的拓荒者

    Tao Zhe : A Pioneer In New Music

  7. 他也曾经被拿来与陶喆、周杰伦两位R&B流行歌手作比较。

    He was once compared to David Tao and Jay Chow , two popular R & B singers .

  8. 陶喆为他的错误向他的妻子和家庭道歉,并感谢家人原谅了他。

    The singer apologized to his wife-Penny and his family for his wrongdoing and thanked them for forgiving him .

  9. 根据周末发布的提名,陶喆也将参加最佳制作人和最佳音乐编曲的竞争。

    Tao is also up for best producer and best musical arrangement , according to the nominations , announced over the weekend .

  10. 流行歌手及作词人陶喆承认自己欺骗了妻子。陶喆解释说是在一次新闻发布会上和杨子晴发生了关系。

    Mandopop singer and song-writer David Tao has admitted he has cheated on his wife.Tao explained his affair with Yang Ziqing during a press conference :

  11. 当主持人宣布下一位表演嘉宾是陶喆时,我表面装做若无其事,实际上内心早已沸腾!如果不是我爸妈都在,我肯定会大声跟着唱的!

    When the moderator announced that the next guest performers David Tao is , I do with the surface as if nothing had happened , in fact already boiling heart !

  12. 我很满意的是它是陶喆的一个首次亮相,而且将会为我们的互动提供一个比较直接的通道。

    I am very proud of this site not only because it is a David Tao premiere but also because it will provide a direct channel for us to interact .