
  • 网络Rhytidectomy;SMAS;rhytidoplasty;PRP
  1. H超高频皮肤整形仪的原理及在面部除皱术的应用

    Principle of XH ultra-high frequency skin plastic operation apparatus and its clinical application in rhytidectomy

  2. 颞部W形小切口除皱术对中下面部提升及瘢痕脱发的影响

    The effect of rhytidectomy of temple with W-shape incisions on the outcomes of lifting flabby skin on middle and lower face

  3. 液化石油气的堆埋贮存U字埋线法颞部除皱术

    The mounding type LPG storage tank Temporal rhytidectomy by U-shaped buried sutures

  4. U字埋线法颞部除皱术埋弧法精炼技术的应用

    Temporal rhytidectomy by U-shaped buried sutures Application of Technology for Submerged Arc Foaming Slag

  5. 方法本组16例患者,随机分为W形小切口除皱术A组(9例)和传统切口的除皱术B组(7例)。

    Methods Sixteen patients were randomly divided into two groups . Patients ( 9 cases ) in group A were treated with a W-shape incision for rhytidectomy and patients ( 7 cases ) in group B were treated with a traditional incision .

  6. 颞浅筋膜瓣充填颞部凹陷在除皱术中的应用

    Application of superficial temporal fascia flap in reconstruction of temporal depression

  7. 额颞部提紧除皱术32例。

    32 with frontotemporal lifting with mini incision by embedding suturing .

  8. 肿胀麻醉法额颞部除皱术25例分析

    Analysis of tumefaction anesthesia therapy in 25 cases of frontal-temporal rhytidectomy

  9. 颞部发际缘保留毛囊锯齿形切口除皱术

    The rhytidectomy of W incisions preserving follicles in temporal hair line

  10. 急性上消化道出血的内窥镜激光治疗无线内窥镜内窥镜除皱术

    Endoscopic Laser Photocoagulation in the Treatment of Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding

  11. 折叠眼轮匝肌的颞部除皱术

    Folding eyes rounds of temple department of muscle reduce wrinkle surgery

  12. 小切口额颞部皮肤提紧骨膜固定除皱术

    Frontotemporal skin lifting rhytidectomy with small incisions of the periosteum fixation

  13. 吸脂联合除皱术矫治重度颌颈部脂肪堆积

    Treatment of neck and submaxillary fat by liposuction combining with rhytidectomy

  14. 眉部切口眼周除皱术的临床研究

    Clinical research of eyebrow incision sleeked the wrinkles of canthus

  15. 矩形颅骨膜瓣覆盖皱眉肌除皱术式探讨

    A preliminary approach of covering corrugator with rectangle periosteous flap in rhytidectomy

  16. 多层综合除皱术复合材料单层板损伤分析

    Multiple - layer composite rhytidectomy DAMAGE ANALYSIS ON COMPOSITE LAYER

  17. 多层次颞部除皱术不同颞部除皱术式对秃发影响的比较

    Pedicled multi-layer temporal rhytidectomy Comparison on alopecia severity in different temporal rhytidectomy

  18. 带蒂表浅肌肉腱膜系统筋膜瓣在面部除皱术中的应用

    Application of pedicled submuscular aponeurotic system flap in face lift

  19. 内窥镜鱼尾纹除皱术的颞额区应用解剖学

    Applied anatomy of the temporal and frontal regions in endoscopic temporal lifting

  20. 除皱术中防止眶上神经损伤的解剖学基础

    Anatomical study of the supraorbital nerve in the rhytidectomy

  21. 额眉部除皱术的应用解剖学研究

    Study of applied anatomy of forehead - brow rhytidectomy

  22. 目的探索男性除皱术的特点。

    Objective To research the procedure of male face-lift .

  23. 目的:探讨内窥镜下额、部除皱术的临床应用效果。

    Objective To investigate the clinical effects of endoscopic forehead and temple lifting .

  24. 颜面除皱术及术后出现恶心呕吐并发症的临床研究

    Facial Rhytidectomy and Clinical Research about the Complication of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting

  25. 面颈部除皱术的应用解剖及手术类型

    Applied Anatomy and Operation Types of Technique of Rhytidectomy for Face and Neck

  26. 伊凡露联合肉毒毒素在面部除皱术中的应用

    The application of Evolution united to Botulinum Toxin for correction of facial wrinkle

  27. 多层次颞部除皱术带参数的多结点样条

    Pedicled multi-layer temporal rhytidectomy Many-Knot Spline with A Parameter

  28. 目的:为额眉部除皱术提供解剖学基础。

    Objective To provide anatomic bases for rhytidectomy on the forehead - brow .

  29. 保留耳前鬓角形态的面中上部多层次除皱术

    A new technique of upper-middle face rhytidectomy without destroying the configuration of sideburns

  30. 双向引流在面部除皱术中的临床应用研究

    Double drainage of chinical study in faceliftings operations