
Shǎn xī shěnɡ
  • shaanxi province
  1. 位于陕西省西安市的西北大学本学期开设了爬树课程,教会学生一些在灾难和紧急情况下有用的技能。

    A tree-climbing course was opened this school term at Northwest University in Xi'an , capital of Northwest China 's Shaanxi province , to teach students skills that might be helpful in a disaster or emergency situation .

  2. 基于GIS的植被空间格局研究&以在陕西省耀县的实验为例

    GIS-Based Vegetation Spatial Pattern At County Level : A Case Study in Yaoxian County of Shaanxi Province , China

  3. 延安有445处革命纪念地,占陕西省红色旅游资源的72%。

    Yan'an is home to 445 memorial sites , accounting for 72 percent of Shaanxi 's Red tourism resources .

  4. 基于GIS的陕西省地质灾害信息系统设计

    Design of Geologic Hazard Information System in Shaanxi Based on GIS

  5. 基于GIS的陕西省旬阳地区滑坡灾害危险性区划

    The hazard zoning of landslide supported by GIS in Xunyang region of Shanxi Province

  6. 然后用面向对象语言C设计开发了陕西省自动气象站实时数据质量控制系统,实现了对陕西省所属的自动气象站实时观测数据的质量控制。

    We developed the real-time data quality control system of Shaanxi AWS by using C # object-oriented language , and realized the quality control of AWS real-time data .

  7. 基于AHP的生态脆弱区可持续发展评价研究&以陕西省榆林市为例

    Research on the sustainable development of vulnerable ecological region based on AHP & A case study of Yulin City

  8. 基于MODIS数据的陕西省地表温度的空间分布研究

    Spatial Distribution of Land Surface Temperature Retrieved from MODIS data in Shaanxi Province

  9. 把GIS技术应用到数字考古和文化遗址的保护中本研究得到陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目遗址GIS应用系统的研究与开发(编号:2009JM8008)的支持。

    This research is supported by Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shanxi " Research and Development of Sites GIS Application System "( ID : 60736008 ) .

  10. 运用遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术来进行中国陕西省北部地区的土壤水蚀风险评估。

    The remote sensing and GIS are applied to evaluate the soil water erosion risk in the northern part of Shaanxi Province , China .

  11. 陕西省大遗址旅游项目BTO融资模式及风险控制研究

    Study on Financing Mode and Risk Management of BTO for Shaanxi Relics Tourism Project

  12. 目的:了解陕西省急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例疾病谱和发病特征。

    Objective : To study the disease spectrum and incidence characteristics of acute flaccid paralysis ( AFP ) cases reported during the period 1998-2000 in Shanxi province .

  13. 比较分析了陕西省陇县八渡林场油松(pinustabulaeformis)木材的生长轮宽度、基本密度。

    The paper compares and analyses growth ring width and basic density of Pinus tabulaeformis which grow in Badu forest farm of Longxian county in Shaanxi Province .

  14. 猕猴桃黄化病(ChlorosisofKiwifruit)是近几年陕西省猕猴桃主栽区发生比较普遍、危害比较严重的一种生理性病害。

    Recent years , the Chlorosis of kiwifruit , a kind of physiological disease , became widespread and serious in Shaanxi province .

  15. 本文探讨了在VB可视化环境下应用面向对象程序设计方法、事件驱动编程机制,开发陕西省陆生野生动物资源调查管理信息系统本系统的基本思想和技术路线。

    This paper discussed the basic thought and technology route of applying object-oriented program design method , event-run mechanism , and develope management information system of wild animal resource by Microsoft Visual Basic language .

  16. 千枚岩采自陕西省西乡地区,经偏光显微镜和X射线衍射分析,绢云母含量为29.9%,伴生矿物有石英、长石和绿泥石。

    The Phyllite is picked form Xixiang region in Shanxi province . We find out the sericite content is 29.9 % by microscope and XRD , there are some other minerals in the rock , such as quartz 、 feldspar and chlorite .

  17. 在我国加入WTO、建筑业与世界接轨及工程量清单计价模式在全国正式推广的背景下,规范化的招投标对于陕西省建筑市场的健康、良好的运行非常必要。

    Under the background of our country entering into WTO , the construction industry joining with world market and Bills of Quantities formally being carried out in domestic construction market , it is necessary for construction markets of shaanxi province to have a standard bidding .

  18. 按照WHO和UNICEF的标准与评价方法,结果显示:陕西省5岁以下儿童中、重度营养不良患病率为12.8%,以中度为主(11.2%),重度较少(1.6%);

    The results showed that the prevalence rate of severe and moderate malnutrition was 12 . 8 % in Shanxi province according to the assessment standard of WHO and UNICEF .

  19. 陕西省公路建设项目采用TOT-BOT项目融资方式的风险研究

    The Risk Research on Shaanxi Road Construction Project Adopted the Model of Project Financing TOT-BOT

  20. 在建立公路建设与国民经济发展适应性评价模型的过程中,提出了带有偏好约束锥的DEA综合评价方法。最后,以陕西省咸阳市为例,进行实证分析。

    In the establishment of highway construction and economic development evaluation model adaptive process , made a binding preference cone method of comprehensive evaluation of the DEA . Finally , Xianyang City , Shaanxi Province as an example , empirical analysis .

  21. 陕西省54a来农业干旱灾害特征研究

    The Study on the Characteristics of Agricultural Drought Disasters in Recent 54a in Shaanxi Province

  22. 依据TM影像解译的土地利用类型转换数据和社会经济数据,以地处中国北方农牧交错区的陕西省榆林市为例,分析了1990~2000年土地利用类型转换的主要驱动因子。

    Based on the TM data and the socio-economic data in 1990 ~ 2000 , as a case of the Yulin Municipality , Shaanxi Province in the interlocked agro-pasturing area of north china , the main driving factors of land-use conversation are analyzed .

  23. 最后以实例说明本文给定的问题求解递阶控制策略在陕西省科技经济社会协调发展宏观决策支持系统(SXSES-DSS)原型系统中的应用实现。

    An intelligent control tactics of problem solving process ( PMSH-C ) is put forward , which has been used in implementing the Decision Support System of Macroscopic Coordinative Development of Society , Economy , Science and Technology in Shanxi Province ( SXSES-DSS )

  24. 基于生态足迹理论和计算方法,采用联合国粮农组织(foodandagricultureorganization,fao)及《陕西省统计年鉴》等自然资源生产与消费、人口、土地等数据,分析了1993-2004年陕西省生态足迹变化情况。

    The ecological footprint of Shaanxi Province during the period from1993to2004is calculated based on the theory and calculation method of the ecological footprint , with the data of resources production and consumption , population , and land use from FAO Database and Shaanxi statistical yearbook .

  25. 本文的主要研究目的是解决陕西省道路运输3S系统的开发问题,论述了系统总体设计、系统各功能模块构成和系统关键技术的设计与实现。

    The main purpose of this paper is to develop the 3S system in road transport field in Shan Xi . And the paper discusses the total design of the 3S system , the constitution of the system 's function module , the design and implementation of key technology .

  26. 中国农业银行陕西省分行网上银行风险管理研究

    China Agriculture Bank Shaanxi Province Branch Internet Bank Risk Management Research

  27. 住宅产业对陕西省国民经济发展的贡献研究

    The Research of Housing Industry 's Contribution to Shaanxi Economy Development

  28. 陕西省核辐射技术应用发展与前景

    The development and Prospect of radiation technique application in Shanxi Province

  29. 陕西省小麦地方品种主要性状的遗传多样性研究

    Genetic Diversity in Main Characters of Wheat Landraces in Shaanxi Province

  30. 陕西省县域经济发展水平的差异

    Differences for the economic development levels of counties in Shaanxi Province