
xiàn sù qì
  • overrunning governor;overspeed limit device
  1. 根据追踪结果,我们不仅可以有针对性地在更适当的位置部署相关防御措施(如流量限速器RateLimiter),而且可以从攻击的源头有效地扼制攻击流对中间传输网络和被攻击者的影响。

    According to tracing result , we can have the pertinency field to deploy a relevance to defense measure ( e.g. Rate Limiter ) in more appropriate location not only , and can choke the stream from the headstream attacking effectively to centre transmission network and by the attacker effect .

  2. 在与495G型发动机进行优化匹配试验的基础上,找出了影响叉车限速器性能的结构因素。并提出了改进方案。

    The structural factors that affect the performances of speed limiters were discovered and corresponding improvements proposed based on optimized match experiments with 495G engines .

  3. 检查并均衡所有起升钢丝绳和限速器绳的张力。

    Examining and equalizing tension of all hoist and governor ropes .

  4. 基于虚拟仪器的电梯限速器检测系统

    Measuring system of elevator 's speed limiter based on virtual instrument

  5. 电梯限速器测试仪测试方法的探讨

    Discussion on Testing of the measurement of Elevator overspeed preventer

  6. 小吨位叉车汽油机限速器的性能匹配

    Matching of performance of speed governor on small tonnage gasoline fork lift truck

  7. 高温气冷堆控制棒涡流限速器研究综述

    Study of Magnetic Vortex Damper Used by Control-Rod System of High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor

  8. 限速器可以保证汽油叉车的工作安全性。

    Speed governors can make sure the operational safety of gasoline fork lift truck .

  9. 叉车汽油机限速器的开发

    The Development of Forklift Gasoline Speed Limit Device

  10. 本文介绍了一种新研发设计的多功能电梯限速器自动检测设备。

    This paper has introduced a new multi-function testing equipment development of speed governor of elevator .

  11. 在业主方便时,对限速器和安全装置进行年度测试。

    A test of governors and safeties shall be made annually at the employer 's convenience .

  12. 公司自始创以来,集中于夹绳器、限速器和高性能安全钳的优化解决方案。

    We bend ourselves to seek the optimization solution for rope gripper , speed governor and high-powered safety gear .

  13. 在排位赛中,我们遇到了限速器的问题,现在正式比赛中又碰到液压故障。

    In qualifying I had that bother with the speed limiter and now in the race I had a hydraulic problem .

  14. 显然,被处以驾车通过维修区的处罚让我损失很多,当时我肯定限速器指示灯是亮着的。

    It was obviously a huge blow to be called in for the drive-through penalty because I was sure the limiter light was on .

  15. 介绍对新研制的限速器进行试验的系统组成,限速器工作原理和工作过程,及其性能匹配技术要求等。

    This paper presents the composition of the test rig for a newly developed speed governor as well as the governor ′ s work principle and performance matching specifications .

  16. 针对旧型限速器存在的缺陷,依据力平衡原理提出了一种限速器结构,采用遗传优化算法对其结构参数进行优化设计。

    As for the drawback of the old speed limiter , this paper puts forward a new type structure of speed limiter according to the balance principle of force and it is optimally designed on the basis of Genetic Algorithms .

  17. 高精度摩托车限速点火器简介

    A Brief Introduction to the High Precision Speed Governing Ignition

  18. 与传统的限速装置相比,此限速器具有结构简单、新颖、易于实现的特点。

    With the traditional speed devices compared to this over speed governor is simple in structure , innovative , easy-to-implement features .