
  • 网络Chen Jingrun;Chen Ching-Jun
  1. 1973年陈景润正式发表了他对哥德巴赫猜想的研究;

    In1973 , Chen Jingrun made public his result on the Goldbach conjecture .

  2. 陈景润作为数学界世界著名的科学家而闻名于世。

    Chen Jing-run was noted as one of the world famous scientists in maths .

  3. 陈景润就是秘密搞的。

    Chen Jingrun is one of them .

  4. 他指出,中国数学家陈景润1966年在这项工作上取得了一些进展。

    He points out that Chen , a Chinese mathematician , made some headway in 1966 .

  5. 陈景润在哥德巴赫猜想方面的伟大进展是国际数学界突破性的贡献。

    Chen made great progress on the Goldbach 's conjecture and a major breakthrough in world mathematics .

  6. 陈景润在孪生素数猜想和哥德巴赫猜想方面所做的工作推动了解析数论的发展。

    His work on the twin prime conjecture and on Goldbach 's conjecture led to progress in the analytic number theory .

  7. 陈景润共发表学术论文70余篇,并于1978年和1982年两次收到国际数学家大会的邀请,作学术报告。

    Chen published more than 70 academic papers in his life . Twice , in 1978 and 1982 respectively , Chen was invited to deliver the 45-minute report in the International Congress of Mathematicians .

  8. “陈氏定理”,即陈景润攻克世界著名数学难题“哥德巴赫猜想”中的(1十2)的结果,在数学界居世界领先地位。

    His Chen 's Theorem , the research results of his study of the Goldbach 's Conjecture in the field of the analytic theory of numbers , has a leading position among international mathematicians .

  9. 陈景润(1933~1996),福建福州人,1953年毕业于厦门大学数学系,中国科学院数学研究所研究员。

    Chen Jingrun ( 1933 ~ 1996 ) was a Fuzhou native who graduated from the Mathematics Department of Xiamen University in 1953 and was later a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences ' Institute of Mathematics .

  10. 20世纪30年代早期,华罗庚的《堆垒素数论》影响了中国后来的很多数论家,包括目前在哥德巴赫猜想(1十2)的证明中取得最好成绩的陈景润。

    In the early 1930 's , his book on Cumulative Prime Number Theory has been influential to many subsequent number theorists in China , including renowned Chen Jingrun who obtained the best result so far in the binary Goldbach conjecture .

  11. 1966年,陈景润的一篇论文证明了(现在的“陈氏定理”):每个大偶数都是一个素数及一个不超过两个素数的乘积之和。

    In a 1966 paper he proved what is now called the Chen 's theorem : Every sufficiently large even number can be written as the sum of either two primes , or a prime and a semi-prime ( the product of two primes ) -- e.