- 网络Steve Chen;Steven Chen

He is also a voracious reader , which is unusual among the monomaniacal engineers of Silicon Valley .
Mr Chen , who is single and lives in the China Basin district of San Francisco with his cat , is said by an acquaintance to be a strong poker player .
If Mr Chen represents the hard-core engineering side at youtube , Mr Hurley has supplied the more creative touch .
Only , in the ironic world of the You-Tube generation , do not expect Mr Hurley and Mr Chen to develop the swagger of media barons - at least , not until they get comfortably into their thirties .
Yet it suggests that they have not been driven by the lofty ideals that Mr Brin and Mr Page espouse .
Mr Hurley and Mr Chen also soaked up the lessons of Google , including : do not bombard users with intrusive adverts .
- Having sold their loss-making company after less than two years , Mr Hurley and Mr Chen cannot resist the pleasure of acting up on camera .
Yet Mr Hurley and Mr Chen also exhibit many of the characteristics typical of the new wave of entrepreneurs rising to the top in the latest internet boom .