They couldn 't find a Chinese one , Mr Chen said .
London is especially beautiful , he says .
Ahead of the 2008 Olympic Games he led a personal crusade against littering , encouraging people to respect their environment .
To achieve this , he cycled to Beijing from his village , Erchen , in 2001 when China 's bid was successful .
He took him to Soho 's Chinatown where Mr Chen told his story and has since been showered with admiration and offers of accommodation .
In two years Chen Guanming travelled about 60000km through 16 countries , overcoming floods , war zones , mountain passes and temperatures of - 30C .
Having crossed Pakistan , Afghanistan and Iran he ended up in Turkey where it was - 30C and he says he spent four days snowed in .
In the first countries - Malaysia , Thailand and Vietnam - he had to wring his clothes out seven or eight times a day because of the sweat .
Mr Beeston , who runs an insurance brokers and travels to China on business , was able to chat to Mr Chen who is unable to speak English .
Asking Mr Chen if he thinks it will be " difficult " to take part in the ceremony on Friday seems crass given the scale of his achievement in coming this far .
Mr Chen has pictures on his three-wheeled rickshaw of him posing in front of international landmarks and a banner saying he is on a journey of 140000km ( 86992 miles ) - which includes China .
His story sounds so fantastical that few would give it house room , but the 57-year-old from Jiangsu province in eastern China , has the passport , press cuttings and book full of messages from around the world , to testify to his feat .