
  • 网络central gansu
  1. 采用Bowman和Cole提出的有机磷分级体系,对陇中黄土高原0~5cm、5~10cm、10~30cm不同耕作方式下土壤有机磷的组成变化进行了研究。

    Variation of soil organic phosphorus fractions and contents under different tillages for long term was studied in the layer of 0 ~ 5 cm , 5 ~ 10 cm , 10 ~ 30 cm of calcareous soil in the Loess Plateau of central Gansu with the Bowman-Cole method .

  2. 陇中地区的土壤侵蚀方式及其特点

    Forms of the soil erosion and their characteristics in Central Gansu Province

  3. 3S支持下的陇中黄土高原生态系统健康评价&以甘肃省榆中县为例

    Ecosystem Health Assessment of Central Gansu Loess Plateau Based on 3S & A Case Study of Yuzhong County , Gansu Province

  4. 陇中及青海高原东部黄土区。

    And (ⅶ) Mid Gansu to Eastern Qinghai Plateau Loess Region .

  5. 陇中半干旱区小麦和玉米补灌效应研究

    Effect of supplementary irrigation of spring wheat and corn in semiarid area

  6. 陇中黄土高原旱地覆盖耕作效应的初步研究

    Effects of Mulching-Tillage on Arid Farming in Mid-Gansu Loess Plateau

  7. 陇中高寒阴湿区蚕豆气候区划

    A Study of Climatic Classification for Broad Bean in the Middle Gansu Province

  8. 陇东和陇中黑垆土的发生与演变

    Genesis and evolution of Heilu soils in the middle nd east of Gansu Province

  9. 陇中黄土高原夏季地表能量平衡观测研究

    Experimental Study on Surface Energy Balance over Loess Plateau of Middle Part Gansu in Summer

  10. 陇中半干旱地区农田土壤水分动态变化的研究

    Research on the dynamic variations of farmland soil moisture in semi-arid areas in Central Gansu

  11. 陇中半干旱区多功能高效林业模式的研究

    Studies on the multifunctional and high efficiency forestry model in semi-arid region of Gansu Province

  12. 陕北和陇中土壤侵蚀区域差异的地质地貌之剖析

    Analyses of the Geological Geomorphology Factors of Soil Erosion Difference between Northern Shaanxi and Central Gansu

  13. 土地利用方式对陇中黄土高原土壤碳素的影响

    Effects of Land Use Regimes on Soil Carbon in the Loess Plateau , Gansu , China

  14. 陇中半干旱地区马铃薯经济产量及效益模式探讨

    The Economic Yield and Profit Models of Potatoes in the Semiarid Area in Centre of Gansu

  15. 陇中黄土高原丘陵沟壑区土壤水分动态变化分析

    Analysis on the Dynamic Change of Soil Water in the Loess Plateau Gully and Hill Region

  16. 陇中半干旱地区不同耕作措施对土壤水分及利用效率的影响

    Effects of Different Tillage Methods on Soil Water and Water Use Efficiency in Semi-Arid Area of Gansu

  17. 陇中旱地春小麦不同播量对群体建成及产量的研究

    Effects of different seeding rate on wheat population formation and yield in semi-arid area of Central Gansu

  18. 陇中半干旱区集雨补灌小麦玉米复合群体产量及水分效应

    Yield and water use efficiency of wheat / corn compound colony under supplementary irrigation with catchment rainfall

  19. 土地优化利用模式研究陇中旱区农业生产的四四二结构模式Ⅰ

    Optimum Model of Land Use & " Four-Four-Two " Structure of Semi-arid Agricultural Production in Central Gansu Province

  20. 补水时期和施钾量对陇中半干旱区旱地马铃薯产量和水分利用率的影响

    The effect of potassium application and stage of water supplement on potato yield and WUE in semi-arid area

  21. 陇中黄土丘陵区小流域综合治理经济开发研究

    Study of Comprehensive Harness and Economic Development of Small Watershed in Rolling Gullied Loess Region in Middle Gansu

  22. 陇中丘陵沟壑区不同啤酒大麦品种生态适应性研究

    Study on Ecological Adaptation of Different Varieties of Beer Barley on Hilly and Valley Area of Middle of Gansu

  23. 陇中半干旱地区不同地类轮作周期土壤水分动态研究

    A Study on Soil Moisture Dynamics of Rotation Period on Different Field Type in Semi-arid Area of Central Gansu

  24. 陇中旱地马铃薯不同种植模式对土壤温度和水分利用效率的影响

    Effects of different planting patterns on soil temperature and water use efficiency of potato in arid regions of Gansu Province

  25. 陇中地区春小麦生态气候条件分析及气候资源利用研究

    Study on Utilization of Climatic Resource and Analysis of Ecological Climate Conditions of Spring Wheat in Middle Region of Gansu Province

  26. 农牧系统协调优化模式研究&陇中旱区农业生产的四四二结构模式Ⅱ

    Coordinated Optimization of Farming and Animal Husbandry System " Four-Four-Two " Structure Model ⅱ of Semiarid Agricultural Production in Central Gansu Province

  27. 刘玄德与曹操争天下,诸葛孔明起陇中。

    When Liu Bei and Cao Cao were fighting each other for the rule of China , Zhuge Liang emerged from Longzhong .

  28. 黄土高原陇中丘陵区春小麦严重干旱时段及关键生育期的供水效应

    Irrigation Effect in Key Growth Stage and Period of Severe Drought in Spring Wheat in the Middle of Gansu Province of Loess Plateau

  29. 花儿是流行于中国西北陇中高原的山歌歌种,因其集传唱流域广,传唱范围跨省越区,传唱民族众多等特点于一身。

    Hua ' er , a kind of a folk song , prevails on plateau in the Middle Gansu Province of Northwestern China .

  30. 陇中黄土丘陵区乡村聚落时空演变的模拟分析&以甘肃省秦安县为例

    Modeling the Spatio-Temporal Variability of Rural Settlements in Loess Hilly Area of Gansu Province & Taking Qin'an County of Gansu Province for Example