
  • 网络Agen
  1. 阿让的自由,更是把他灵魂从黑暗的思想和自暴自弃里救了出来。

    Agen freedom his soul from the dark thoughts and give up on themselves in saved by the .

  2. 冉阿让走到窗边,把它仔细看了一遍,它没有铁闩,只有它的活梢扣着,这原是那地方的习惯。

    On arriving at the window , Jean Valjean examined it .

  3. 冉阿让瞄准阁楼放了一枪。

    Jean Valjean took aim at the attic window and fired .

  4. 把马吕斯的活动暗示给了冉阿让。冉阿让在他思想最深处发抖。

    Jean Valjean shuddered to the very bottom of his soul .

  5. 每次她向冉阿让问起她母亲的名字,冉阿让总是默不作声。

    Whenever she asked Jean Valjean , Jean Valjean remained silent .

  6. 冉阿让好象全没听见。

    It seemed as though Jean Valjean did not hear him .

  7. 冉阿让为什么要离开小比克布斯修院呢?

    Why had Jean Valjean quitted the convent of the Petit-Picpus ?

  8. 冉阿让低下头,不答话。

    Jean Valjean dropped his head , and made no reply .

  9. 他刻画冉阿让是个狗彘不如的怪物,等等。

    Description of Jean valjean : a monster spewed forth , etc.

  10. 有一年冬季,冉阿让找不到工作。

    A very hard winter came , Jean had no work .

  11. 冉阿让就是到了这个分水岭的最高峰。

    It was this culminating point that Jean Valjean had reached .

  12. 冉阿让抬起头,仍旧坐着不动。

    Jean Valjean raised his head . He still remained seated .

  13. 冉阿让生在布里的一个贫农家里。

    Jean Valjean came from a poor peasant family of Brie .

  14. “什么空棺材?”冉阿让问。

    " What is that empty coffin ?" asked Jean Valjean .

  15. “它们不在了。”冉阿让回答。

    " They are no longer here ," replied Jean Valjean .

  16. 一星期过后,冉阿让搬走了。

    A week later , Jean Valjean had taken his departure .

  17. 冉阿让被宣判服五年苦役。

    Jean Valjean was condemned to five years in the galleys .

  18. 此外,冉阿让知道自己已摆脱了沙威。

    Moreover , Jean Valjean knew that he was delivered from Javert .

  19. 非得有一根绳子不可,冉阿让却没有带。

    A rope would have been required ; Jean Valjean had none .

  20. 冉阿让除了这个妇人之外,很少见到其他人。

    Jean Valjean saw no other human creature than this good woman .

  21. 医生看了冉阿让,并和他说了话。

    The doctor saw Jean Valjean and spoke with him .

  22. “您在这里干什么?”冉阿让接着又问。

    " And what are you doing here ?" resumed Jean Valjean .

  23. 这时冉阿让象是个要昏倒的人。

    Jean Valjean was like a man on the point of fainting .

  24. 那三个人是警察,另一个就是冉阿让。

    The three men were gendarmes ; the other was Jean valjean .

  25. 冉阿让的钱包对马白夫先生没起一点作用。

    Jean Valjean 's purse was of no use to M.Mabeuf . M.

  26. 冉阿让很谨慎,他白天从不出门。

    Jean Valjean was prudent enough never to go out by day .

  27. 冉阿让开始教她识字。

    Jean Valjean had undertaken to teach her to read .

  28. 立在众人眼前的是冉阿让,这已很显明了。

    It was evident that they had Jean Valjean before their eyes .

  29. 冉阿让对她始终是市长先生。

    Jean Valjean was still Monsieur le Maire to her .

  30. 半夜,冉阿让醒了。

    Towards the middle of the night Jean Valjean woke .