
  • 网络albendazole;ALB;ABZ
  1. 鲤血浆中阿苯哒唑及其代谢物的HPLC测定方法

    Determination of Albendazole and Its Metabolites Residues in the Plasma of Cyprinus carpio by HPLC

  2. 目的探索某小学学生服食阿苯哒唑(Albendazole)驱虫剂引发流行性癔症的流行因素。

    Objective To analyze the epidemic factors of epidemic hysteria of primary students who had taken Albendazole anthelminthin agent .

  3. 吡喹酮、阿苯哒唑剂量递增法治疗脑囊虫病CT影像变化及临床意义

    Changes of CT Images and Clinical Significance in Cerebral Cysticercosis Treated by PQT and ALB with Dose Increasing Method

  4. 应用阿苯哒唑治疗囊虫病300例,其中脑型175例,皮下肌肉型125例。阿苯哒唑采用15~20mg/kg/d,分2次口服,10d为一疗程,共3个疗程;

    Three hundred cases of cysticercosis cellulosae ( 175 cerebral , 125 subcutaneous-muscular ) were treated orally with albendazole , 15-20 mg / kg / day for a 10-day course .

  5. 采用伊维菌素0.2mg/kg顿服治疗人钩虫感染者,并用400mg/次阿苯哒唑作对照。

    Meanwhile a single dose of ivermectin 0.2 mg / kg was orally administrated to persons infected with hookworm , compared with the albendazole 400 mg / day as control group .

  6. 阿苯哒唑纳米球载药特征及物理稳定性考察

    Studies on the drug-loading mechanism of albendazole-nanoparticle and its physical stability

  7. 阿苯哒唑治疗囊虫病300例的临床观察

    Clinical observation on treatment of 300 cases of cysticercosis with albendazole

  8. 糖和甜味剂阿苯哒唑驱虫糖防治华支睾吸虫病的应用研究

    Application of Albendazole medicated-Sweets in the Control of Clonorchiasis sinensis

  9. 普服阿苯哒唑诱发小学生流行性癔症的调查分析

    Investigation Analysis of Epidemic Hysteria of Primary Students Who have Taken Albendazole

  10. 阿苯哒唑在猪囊尾蚴病患者体内吸收和排泄的初步研究

    Preliminary studies on the absorption and excretion of albendazole in patients with cysticercosis cellulosae

  11. 阿苯哒唑硫氧化代谢产物的合成及电喷雾质谱分析

    Synthesis and the electrospray mass spectrometric analysis of the sulphoxide metabolites of the albendazole

  12. 阿苯哒唑不同驱虫方法对新疆常见肠道线虫防治效果的研究

    Effects of Different Mass Albendazole Chemotherapy on Control of the Common Intestinal Helminth Infections in Xinjiang

  13. 开平市1993~2000年应用阿苯哒唑驱虫糖防治肠道线虫感染效果研究

    Using albendazole anti-helminthes sweeties in controlling the nematode infection in Kaiping city between 1993 to 2000

  14. 阿苯哒唑对旋毛虫囊包幼虫作用的组织学与组织化学观察

    Morphological and histochemical study on the effects of albendazole against encysted larvae of Trichinella spiralis in mice

  15. 阿苯哒唑对体外培养孵化猪囊尾蚴的超微结构、氨基酸和生物元素的影响

    Effects of albendazole on the ultrastructures , amino acids and biologic elements in hatched cysticercus cellulosae in vitro

  16. 高边坡锚杆(索)病害整治阿苯哒唑在治疗包虫病人中的副反应

    Treatment of Anchor Disease on High Side Slope The Side - effect of Albendazole on Patients with Hydatid Disease

  17. 方法在室温条件下,使用过氧化氢将阿苯哒唑氧化成相应的亚砜和砜,用硅胶柱层析方法进行分离纯化。

    Methods The albendazole on the treatment with the hydrogen peroxide at room temperature was converted to the corresponding sulphoxide and sulphone .

  18. 建立了水产品中阿苯哒唑类化合物残留量的超高效液相色谱-串联质谱测定方法。

    An ultra-performance chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry ( UPLC-MS / MS ) for the simultaneous determination of ABZs in aquatic products has been developed .

  19. 【方法】测定体外培养的和猪体内的囊尾蚴于阿苯哒唑和奥芬哒唑分别作用后能量代谢途径物质含量及其关键酶活性变化。

    【 Method 】 Changes of key enzyme activities and metabolite contents in pathway of energy metabolism in Cysticerci cellulosae in vitro and in vivo were tested with albendazole and oxfendazole respectively .

  20. 伊维菌素与阿苯哒唑对人钩虫感染者的治愈率分别为20.5%(9/44)和76.5%(26/34),对十二指肠钩虫较美洲钩虫敏感。

    As for human hookworm , ivermectin and albendazole achieved 20.5 % ( 9 / 44 ) and 76.5 % ( 26 / 34 ) cure rate , respectively . The effect of ivermectin against Ancylostoma duodenale is more sensitive than that against Necator americanus .